The LegCo Reporter
Issue No. 20 (19 May 2005)

At its meeting on 18 May 2005, the Legislative Council passed the following two motions with no legislative effect:

(1)Motion on "Continuing decline in birth rate", moved by Hon LEE Cheuk-yan as amended by Hon CHAN Kam-lam

"That, in view of the continuing decline in Hong Kong's birth rate, this Council urges the Government to formulate a package of comprehensive population policies, including:
(a)perfecting the existing Capital Investment Entrant Scheme and the current policies regarding admission of Mainland people to Hong Kong for settlement, etc, so as to prevent the ageing of Hong Kong's population from further worsening as a result of the continuing decline in our birth rate;
(b)reviewing the existing policies on housing, education, manpower, welfare and health care, etc, in Hong Kong, in order to cater for the changes brought about by the continuing decline in our birth rate and the ageing of the population;
(c)reviewing afresh the present publicity and promotional strategies on family planning in Hong Kong, and formulating measures to encourage childbirth; and
(d)looking into the anxieties and obstacles experienced by Hong Kong people in giving birth to children, and formulating measures that are conducive to achieving a balance between work and family life, so that Hong Kong people's childbirth plans will not be affected by their work."

(2)Motion on "Display of the national flag", moved by Hon MA Lik

"That, to promote patriotic education in Hong Kong and in order that Hong Kong people attach greater importance to the display of the national flag, this Council urges the Government to require the display of the national flag at government buildings, primary and secondary schools as well as the University Grants Committee-funded institutions on National Day, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day and New Year's Day, and to require schools to organize the national flag-raising ceremony on a regular basis with full participation by all teachers and students; furthermore, the Government should strengthen education to enhance public understanding of the national flag and the regional flag."

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