Panel on Health Services

Special meeting on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 at 4:30 pm
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


  1. Further discussion on the introduction of a standard drug formulary in Hospital Authority
    (4:30 pm - 6:25 pm)

    LC Paper No. CB(2)746/04-05(01)
    (issued on 25 January 2005)

    -Paper provided by the Administration

    LC Paper No. CB(2)994/04-05(01)
    (attached) (English version only)

    -Draft standard drug formulary prepared by the Hospital Authority

    Meeting with deputations

    LC Paper No. CB(2)994/04-05(02)
    (attached) (Chinese version only)

    -Submission from Retina Hong Kong

    LC Paper No. CB(2)994/04-05(03)
    (attached) (Chinese version only)

    -Submission from Alliance for Patients' Mutual Help Organizations

    LC Paper No. CB(2)800/04-05(01)
    (issued on 2 February 2005)
    (Chinese version only)
    LC Paper No. CB(2)994/04-05(04)
    (attached) (Chinese version only)

    -Submission and further submission from Concern Alliance on the Interests of the Elderly

    LC Paper No. CB(2)994/04-05(05)
    (attached) (Chinese version only)

    -Submission from Hong Kong Neuro-Muscular Disease Association

    LC Paper No. CB(2)994/04-05(06)
    (attached) (Chinese version only)

    -Joint submission from Hong Kong Adult Blood Cancer Group, The Brightening Team and nine individual organisations

    LC Paper No. CB(2)1008/04-05(01)
    (attached) (English version only)

    -Further submission from Hong Kong Adult Blood Cancer Group

    LC Paper No. CB(2)994/04-05(07)
    (to follow)

    -Submission from Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry

    LC Paper No. CB(2)994/04-05(08)
    (attached) (Chinese version only)

    -Submission from Society for Community Organization

    LC Paper No. CB(2)1008/04-05(02)
    (attached) (Chinese version only)

    -Submission from Hong Kong Lupus Association

    LC Paper No. CB(2)1008/04-05(03)
    (attached) (Chinese version only)

    -Submission from Chinese Grey Power

    LC Paper No. CB(2)1008/04-05(04)
    (to follow) (Chinese version only)

    -Submission from Hong Kong Council of Social Service

    LC Paper No. CB(2)1018/04-05(01)
    (attached) (Chinese version only)

    -Submission from Health Club

    LC Paper No. CB(2)1018/04-05(02)
    (attached) (Chinese version only)

    -Submission from Joyful Club

    Kwai Chung Estate Residents Rights Concern Group

    Other submission received

    LC Paper No. CB(2)786/04-05(01)
    (issued on 31 January 2005)
    (Chinese version only)

    -Submission from Democratic Party

  2. Any other business
    (from 6:25 pm onwards)

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
8 March 2005

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