Bills Committee on
Hazardous Chemicals Control Bill

Sixth meeting on
Thursday, 15 March 2007, at 10:45 am
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


I.Confirmation of minutes
(10:45 am - 10:50 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1) 1077/06-07
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1) 1078/06-07 on 6 March 2007)

-Minutes of the meeting held on 29 January 2007

II.Meeting with the Administration
(10:50 am - 12:40 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1) 1106/06-07(01)

-List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion on 29 January 2007

LC Paper No. CB(1) 1106/06-07(02)

-Administration's response to LC Paper No. CB(1) 1106/06-07(01)

LC Paper No. CB(1) 1106/06-07(03)

-Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 7 March 2007 to the Administration

Other relevant papers

LC Paper No. CB(1) 1876/05-06(01)
(issued for the meeting on 28 June 2006)

-A list of questions raised by Hon CHOY So-yuk (Chinese version only)

LC Paper No. CB(1) 2287/05-06(03)
(issued for the meeting on 28 June 2006)

-Administration's response to LC Paper No. CB(1) 1876/05-06(01)

LC Paper No. CB(1) 431/06-07(03)
(issued for the meeting on 6 December 2007)

-Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 5 December 2006 to the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(1) 702/06-07(01)
(issued for the meeting on 12 January 2007)

-Administration's response to LC Paper No. CB(1) 431/06-07(03)

LC Paper No. CB(1) 751/06-07(01)
(issued for the meeting on 29 January 2007)

-Revised version of Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 11 January 2007 to the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(1) 814/06-07(01)
(issued for the meeting on 29 January 2007)

-Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 15 January 2007 to the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(1) 814/06-07(02)
(issued for the meeting on 29 January 2007)

-Administration's response to LC Paper Nos. CB(1) 751/06-07(01) and 814/06-07(01)

LC Paper No. CB(1) 814/06-07(03)
(issued for the meeting on 29 January 2007)

-List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion on 12 January 2007

LC Paper No. CB(1) 814/06-07(04)
(issued for the meeting on 29 January 2007)

-Administration's response to LC Paper No. CB(1) 814/06-07(03)

LC Paper No. CB(1) 831/06-07(01)
(issued for the meeting on 29 January 2007)

-Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 26 January 2007 to the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(1) 980/06-07(01)
(issued for the meeting on 29 January 2007)

-Administration's response to LC Paper No. CB(1) 831/06-07(01)

(A list of relevant papers previously issued is available on the LegCo website at

III.Any other business
(12:40 pm - 12:45 pm)

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
9 March 2007

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