Bills Committee on Rail Merger Bill
 | Papers
Papers from the Administration
- Information paper on collection of fares provided by MTR Corporation [CB(1)872/06-07(01)] (13, 6 March 2007, 27, 13 and 6 February 2007)
- Information paper on fare adjustment mechanism and fare reduction proposal provided by the Administration [CB(1)195/06-07(01)] (2 November 2006)
- Information paper on staff-related matters arising from rail merger provided by the Administration [CB(1)1598/06-07(01)] (14 May 2007)
- Information paper on staff-related matters arising from rail merger provided by the Administration [CB(1)126/06-07(01)] (24 October 2006)
- Integrated Operating Agreement [CB(1)520/06-07(01)] (13, 6 March 2007, 27, 13, 6 February 2007, 29, 23, 16, 9 January 2007 and 19 December 2006)
- Powerpoint presentation materials on "Finance and property package of the rail merger proposal" provided by MTR Corporation (Chinese version only) [CB(1)2237/05-06(01)] (20 September 2006)
- Powerpoint presentation materials on "Finance and property package of the rail merger proposal" provided by the Administration (Chinese version only) [CB(1)2237/05-06(02)] (20 September 2006)
- The Administration and MTRCL's response to follow-up actions arising from the meeting on 5 October 2006 [CB(1)147/06-07(01)] (5 October 2006)
- The Administration's response to fare and property-related issues raised at the meeting on 27 July 2006 [CB(1)2198/05-06(02)] (5 October 2006 and 20 September 2006)
- The Administration's response to property-related issues raised at the meeting on 20 September 2006 [CB(1)2282/05-06(01)] (5 October 2006)
- The Aide Memoire provided by the Administration for phased discussion of its response to issues raised at previous meetings [CB(1)1293/06-07(02)] (17, 16 April 2007 and 30 March 2007)