Bills Committee on Rail Merger Bill
 | Papers
Others relevant papers
- Paper entitled "Application of Rule 57(4)(a) of the Rules of Procedure and matters relating to the long title of the Rail Merger Bill" prepared by Legal Service Division [LS71/06-07] (issued on 17 May 2007)
- Background Brief on Rail Merger Bill prepared by the Secretariat [CB(1)2031/05-06] (27 July 2006)
- Fact sheet entitled "各界人士對地鐵有限公司和九廣鐵路公司就擬議合併一事所表達的關注事項" prepared by the Research and Library Services Division (Chinese version only) [CB(1)2176/05-06(01)] (20 September 2006)
- Illustration of the fare adjustments within ± 10% points from the overall fare adjustment provided by MTR Corporation Limited [CB(1)289/06-07(02)] (14 November 2006)
- Information note on major changes proposed in the draft Integrated Operating Agreement between the MTR Corporation Limited and the Government prepared by Research and Library Services Division of the LegCo Secretariat [IN03/06-07] (13, 6 March 2007, 27, 13, 6 February 2007, 29, 23, 16 and 9 January 2007)
- Speaking note of Mr Andrew McCUSKER, Operations Director of MTR Corporation Limited [CB(1)565/06-07(01)] (9 January 2007 and 19 December 2006)
- Speaking note of Mr Lincoln LEONG, Finance Director, MTR Corporation Limited (English version only) [CB(1)222/06-07(01)] (2 November 2006)
- Speaking note of Mr Lincoln LEONG, Finance Director, MTR Corporation Limited, at the meeting on 12 December 2006 [CB(1)496/06-07(01)] (12 December 2006)
- Speaking note of Mr Lincoln LEONG, Finance Director, MTR Corporation Limited, at the meeting on 30 November 2006 [CB(1)411/06-07(02)] (30 November 2006)
- Speaking note of Mr Lincoln LEONG, Finance Director, MTR Corporation Limited at the meeting on 14 November 2006 [CB(1)289/06-07(01)] (14 November 2006)
- Speaking note of Mr Martin GLASS, Deputy Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, at the meeting on 30 November 2006 [CB(1)411/06-07(01)] (30 November 2006)
- Speaking note of Mr William CHAN, Human Resources Director, MTR Corporation (Chinese version only) [CB(1)164/06-07(02)] (24 October 2006)
- Speaking note of Mrs Mimi CUNNINGHAM, Director - Human Resource, Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (Chinese version only) [CB(1)164/06-07(01)] (24 October 2006)