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Bills Committee on Chief Executive Election and Legislative Council Election (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2006
Other relevant papers
Background Brief prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat
[CB(2)1426/05-06(02)] (23, 21 and 17 March 2006)
Chart prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat on the maximum rounds of nomination that could be held during a CE by-election to fill a vacancy under section 4(b) and (c) of CEEO
[CB(2)1526/05-06(02)] (30 and 23 March 2006)
Chart prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat on the maximum rounds of nomination that could be held to fill a vacancy in the office of the Chief Executive (CE) under section 4(a) of the Chief Executive Election Ordinance (CEEO)
[CB(2)1526/05-06(01)] (30 and 23 March 2006)