Item No. | Subject
1. | EC(2005-06)6 | Proposed reorganisation of the Chief Executive's Office with effect from 1 February 2006 to provide better support to the Chief Executive
| (In attendance : The Permanent Secretary, Chief Executive's Office/the Senior Administrative Officer, Chief Executive's Office/the Chief Executive Officer (Administration), Chief Executive's Office)
2. | EC(2005-06)7 | Proposed establishment of a Mainland Affairs Liaison Office under the Constitutional Affairs Bureau of the Government Secretariat and to set up additional offices in Shanghai and Chengdu with effect from 1 April 2006 and consequential changes in the Offices of the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Financial Secretary, Beijing Office and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices
| (In attendance : The Secretary for Constitutional Affairs/the Permanent Secretary for Constitutional Affairs/the Acting Director, Beijing Office/the Deputy Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology/the Head, Hong Kong Guangdong Cooperation Coordination Unit/the Director, Hong Kong Economic and Trade Affairs, Guangdong/the Deputy Secretary for Security)
3. | EC(2005-06)8 | Proposed creation of five permanent posts of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (AOSGC) (D2)/ non-civil service positions at D2-equivalent to serve as administrative assistants to the Chief Secretary for Administration (CS), Financial Secretary (FS), and Secretary for Justice as well as press secretaries to CS and FS; to be offset by the deletion of five existing civil service posts of AOSGC (D2) with the same job responsibilities with immediate effect
| (In attendance : The Deputy Director of Administration/the Director of Administration and Development, Department of Justice)
4. | EC(2005-06)9 | Proposed creation of three supernumerary posts of one Administrative Officer Staff Grade B (D3) for five years and one Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) for four years in the Financial Services Branch of the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau of Government Secretariat and one Deputy Principal Solicitor (DL2)/non-civil service position at DL2-equivalent for four years in the Companies Registry to take forward the rewrite of the Companies Ordinance with effect from the first half of 2006-07
| (In attendance : The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury/the Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services)/the Registrar of Companies/the Deputy Law Officer(Civil Law))
5. | EC(2005-06)10 | Proposed conversion of two permanent posts of Government Building Surveyor (D2) from single-disciplinary to bi-disciplinary in the Buildings Department
| (In attendance : The Deputy Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands/the Assistant Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Buildings)/the Director of Buildings/the Deputy Director of Buildings )