Revised Agenda for
Public Works Subcommittee Meeting
to be held on Wednesday, 10 May 2006
at 8:30 a.m. in Conference Room A,
the Legislative Council Building
Item No. | Subject
| Head 704 - Drainage
1. | PWSC(2006-07)12 | 127CD | Drainage improvement in Northern Hong Kong Island - Sheung Wan stormwater pumping station
| (In attendance : Director of Drainage Services / Chief Engineer(Drainage Projects), Drainage Services Department)
2. | PWSC(2006-07)13 | 61DR | Northeast New Territories village sewerage, phase 2
| (In attendance : Director of Drainage Services / Assistant Director(Water Policy), Environmental Protection Department / Chief Engineer(Consultants Management), Drainage Services Department)
| Head 705 - Civil Engineering
3. | PWSC(2006-07)14 | 349DS | Redevelopment of the Ocean Park - complementary public works on sewerage upgrading
| (In attendance : Assistant Commissioner for Tourism(2) / Director of Civil Engineering and Development / Chief Engineer(Special Duties(Works)), Civil Engineering and Development Department)
| Head 703 - Buildings
4. | PWSC(2006-07)11 | 65KA | Customs headquarters building at Tin Chiu Street, North Point
| (In attendance : Deputy Secretary for Security(1) / Director of Architectural Services / Commissioner of Customs and Excise / Assistant Commissioner (Intelligence and Investigation)(Acting), Customs and Excise Department / Customs Civil Secretary, Customs and Excise Department / Assistant Director(Operations)1, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department)
| Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment
5. | PWSC(2006-07)10 | 84EB | Redevelopment of Pooi To Middle School at Inverness Road, Kowloon City
| (In attendance : Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower(2) / Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower(Infrastructure and Research Support) / Chief Technical Advisor(Subvented Projects), Architectural Services Department)
(Public officers in attendance of all items : Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Works) / Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Planning and Lands) / Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Environment))
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