Agenda for
Public Works Subcommittee Meeting
to be held on Wednesday, 23 November 2005
at 8:30 a.m. in Conference Room A,
the Legislative Council Building
Item No. | Subject
| Head 704 - Drainage
1. | PWSC(2005-06)29 | 215DS | Yuen Long and Kam Tin sewerage and sewage disposal - Kam Tin trunk sewerage phase 1 and Au Tau trunk sewers
2. | PWSC(2005-06)31 | 340DS | Port Shelter sewerage stage 3 - Sai Kung Area 4 and Mang Kung Uk sewerage
(In attendance for 215DS and 340DS: Director of Drainage Services / Deputy Director (2), Environmental Protection Department / Assistant Director (Water Policy), Environmental Protection Department / Chief Engineer (Sewerage Projects), Drainage Services Department)
3. | PWSC(2005-06)30 | 238DS | Harbour Area Treatment Scheme stage 2A - environmental impact assessment, investigations, tunnel conveyance system design
(In attendance : Director of Drainage Services / Deputy Director (2), Environmental Protection Department / Assistant Director (Water Policy), Environmental Protection Department / Chief Engineer (Harbour Area Treatment Scheme), Drainage Services Department)
| Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment
4. | PWSC(2005-06)28 | 49MM | Development of Chinese medicine clinics in the public sector
(In attendance : Deputy Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food (Health)2 / Chief Executive, Hospital Authority / Chief Technical Advisor/Subvented Projects, Architectural Services Department)
5. | PWSC(2005-06)32 | 25EA | Redevelopment of St. Stephen's Girls' Primary School at Park Road, Mid-levels
(In attendance : Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower(2) / Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower (Infrastructure & Research Support) / Chief Technical Advisor/Subvented Projects, Architectural Services Department)
(Public officers in attendance of all items : Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Works) / Deputy Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Planning and Lands)1 / Deputy Director of Environmental Protection (1))
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