House Committee of the Legislative Council
11th meeting on 13 January 2006


I.Confirmation of the minutes of the 10th meeting held on 6 January 2006
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 831/05-06)

II.Matters arising

(a)Report by the Chairman on her meeting with the Chief Secretary for Administration

(b)Road Traffic (Traffic Control) (Designation of Prohibited and Restricted Zones) (Amendment) Notice 2005
(Paragraphs 8 to 11 of the minutes of the 10th House Committee meeting on 6 January 2006)

[Previous paper:
LC Paper No. LS 18/05-06 issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 808/05-06 dated 5 January 2006]

(c)Report of the Subcommittee on West Kowloon Cultural District Development on Phase II Study

III.Business arising from previous Council meetings

Legal Service Division report on subsidiary legislation gazetted on 6 January 2006 and tabled in Council on 11 January 2006
(LC Paper No. LS 22/05-06)

IV.Senior judicial appointment
(Director of Administration's letter dated 6 January 2006 to the Chairman of the House Committee issued to Members on 6 January 2006)

V.Position on Bills Committees/subcommittees
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 836/05-06)

VI.Any other business

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
11 January 2006

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