House Committee of the Legislative Council
30th meeting on 7 July 2006


I.Confirmation of the minutes of the 29th meeting held on 30 June 2006
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 2647/05-06)

II.Matters arising

Report by the Chairman on her meeting with the Chief Secretary for Administration

III.Business arising from previous Council meetings

Legal Service Division reports on bills referred to the House Committee in accordance with Rule 54(4)

(a)Rail Merger Bill
(LC Paper No. LS 91/05-06)

(b)Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Amendment) Bill 2006
(LC Paper No. LS 88/05-06)

IV.Further business for the Council meeting on 12 July 2006

(LC Paper No. CB(3) 717/05-06)

(b)Bills - First Reading and moving of Second Reading

Unsolicited Electronic Messages Bill

V.Position on Bills Committees and subcommittees

(a)Position report on Bills Committees and subcommittees
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 2646/05-06)

(b)Procedural issues relating to membership of the Bills Committee formed to study the Supplementary Appropriation (2005-2006) Bill
(LC Paper No. CB(1) 1939/05-06)

[Previous paper:
LC Paper No. LS 79/05-06 issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 2387/05-06 dated 14 June 2006]

VI.Report of the Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services on issues relating to the imposition of criminal liability on the Government
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 2650/05-06)

VII.Proposed duty visit outside Hong Kong by the Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 2575/05-06)

VIII.Proposed duty visit outside Hong Kong by the Panel on Health Services
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 2576/05-06)

IX.Paper of the Committee on Rules of Procedure

Proposed amendments to Rules of Procedure regarding determination of the time and place of a committee meeting
(LC Paper No. CROP 45/05-06)

X.Any other business

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
6 July 2006

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