House Committee of the Legislative Council
32nd meeting on 6 October 2006


I.Confirmation of the minutes of the 31st meeting held on 21 July 2006
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 2888/05-06)

II.Matters arising

Report by the Chairman on her meeting with the Chief Secretary for Administration

III.Legal Service Division's report on subsidiary legislation gazetted from 21 July 2006 to 29 September 2006
(LC Paper No. LS 113/05-06)

IV.Business for the Council meeting on 11 October 2006

The Chief Executive's Policy Address

V.The Chief Executive's Question and Answer Session on 12 October 2006

VI.Business for the Council meeting on 18 October 2006

(LC Paper No. CB(3) 15/06-07)

(b)Bills - First Reading and moving of Second Reading

No notice has been received yet.

(c)Government motion

Proposed resolution to be moved by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance relating to:

(i)the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulation 2006; and

(ii)the Poisons List (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulation 2006

(Wording of the proposed resolution issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 9/06-07 dated 29 September 2006.)
(LC Paper No. LS 1/06-07)

(d)Members' Bill - First Reading and moving of Second Reading

City University of Hong Kong (Amendment) Bill 2006

(e)Members' Bill - resumption of debate on Second Reading, Committee Stage and Third Reading

Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Incorporation (Amendment) Bill 2006

(f)Members' motions

(i)Proposed resolution to be moved by Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan under section 34(4) of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance relating to the Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Exhibitions) (Amendment) Regulation 2006
(Wording of the proposed resolution issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 20/06-07 dated 4 October 2006.)

(ii)Proposed resolution to be moved by Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan under section 34(4) of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance relating to the Food Business (Amendment) Regulation 2006
(Wording of the proposed resolution issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 11/06-07 dated 29 September 2006.)

(iii)Proposed resolution to be moved by Hon Jasper TSANG Yok-sing under Article 75 of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
(Wording of the proposed resolution issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 10/06-07 dated 29 September 2006.)

(iv)Motion on "Opposing the introduction of a Goods and Services Tax"

The above motion will be moved by Dr Hon YEUNG Sum. (Wording of the motion issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 16/06-07 dated 3 October 2006.)

(v)Motion on "Introducing legislation to regulate clandestine photo-taking"

The above motion will be moved by Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen. (Wording of the motion issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 17/06-07 dated 3 October 2006.)

VII.Report of Bills Committees and subcommittees

Report of the Bills Committee on Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Bill 2005
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 3126/05-06)

VIII.Position on Bills Committees and subcommittees
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 3137/05-06)

IX.Report of the Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene on its duty visit to study the operation of poultry slaughtering in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 3134/05-06)

X.Report of the Panel on Health Services on its duty visit to study Singapore's financing models for healthcare services
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 3133/05-06)

XI.Arrangements for House Committee meetings
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 3129/05-06)

XII.Quota of active Bills Committees
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 3082/05-06)

XIII.Election of members of The Legislative Council Commission
(LC Paper No. AS 320/05-06)

XIV.Election of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the House Committee for the 2006-2007 session

XV.Any other business

Up-to-date position on the re-signification of membership of Panels

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
4 October 2006

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