House Committee of the Legislative Council
4th meeting on 11 November 2005


I.Confirmation of the minutes of the 3rd meeting held on 4 November 2005
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 324/05-06)

II.Matters arising

Report by the Chairman on her meeting with the Chief Secretary for Administration

III.Business arising from previous Council meetings

Legal Service Division report on subsidiary legislation gazetted on 4 November 2005 and tabled in Council on 9 November 2005
(LC Paper No. LS 9/05-06)

IV.Further business for the Council meeting on 16 November 2005

(a)Bills - resumption of debate on Second Reading, Committee Stage and Third Reading

Marriage (Introduction of Civil Celebrants of Marriages and General Amendments) Bill

(b)Government motion

Proposed resolution to be moved by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works under section 34(2) of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance relating to the Construction Workers Registration (Fees) Regulation
(Wording of the proposed resolution issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 116/05-06 dated 7 November 2005.)
[Previous papers:
Paragraphs 6 to 9 of LC Paper No. LS 3/05-06 issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 121/05-06 dated 20 October 2005; and Paragraph 8 of the minutes of the 2nd House Committee meeting on 21 October 2005 (LC Paper No. CB(2) 252/05-06 issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 276/05-06 dated 2 November 2005)]

V.Business for the Council meeting on 23 November 2005

(LC Paper No. CB(3) 117/05-06)

(b)Bills - First Reading and moving of Second Reading

No notice has been received yet.

(c)Government motion

Proposed resolution to be moved by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance relating to:

(i)the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulation 2005; and

(ii)the Poisons List (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulation 2005

(Wording of the proposed resolution issued vide LC Paper No. CB(3) 104/05-06 dated 3 November 2005.)
(LC Paper No. LS 8/05-06)

(d)Members' motions

(i)Motion to be moved by Hon CHAN Kam-lam

Hon CHAN Kam-lam has been allocated a debate slot.

(ii)Motion to be moved by Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan

Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan has been allocated a debate slot.

VI.Report of Bills Committees and subcommittees

Report of the Bills Committee on Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels and Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2005
(LC Paper No. CB(1) 242/05-06)

VII.Position on Bills Committees/subcommittees
(LC Paper No. CB(2) 320/05-06)

VIII.Paper of the Committee on Rules of Procedure

Proposed amendments to Rules of Procedure regarding voting rights of chairmen of committees/subcommittees
(LC Paper No. CROP 13/05-06)

IX.Proposal to invite the Chief Executive to attend a meeting of the Legislative Council to answer Members' questions on his recent official visits to Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom
(Letter dated 5 November 2005 from Hon Emily LAU to the Chairman of the House Committee (LC Paper No. CB(2) 325/05-06(01))

X.Any other business

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
9 November 2005

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