The LegCo Reporter
Issue No. 11 (9 February 2006)
At its meeting on 8 February 2006, the Legislative Council passed the following three motions with no legislative effect:
(1) | Motion on "Reports of the Subcommittee on West Kowloon Cultural District Development", moved by Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit
"That this Council endorses the Phase I and Phase II Reports of the Subcommittee on West Kowloon Cultural District Development."
| (2) | Motion on "Improving the notification mechanism for contamination of potable water supply to Hong Kong and enhancing coordination in the supply of potable water to Hong Kong", moved by Hon Albert Jinghan CHENG as amended by Hon WONG Ting-kwong and further amended by Hon Fred LI Wah-ming
"That this Council urges the HKSAR Government, in discussing the finalization of the specific details of a new water supply agreement, to improve jointly with the Guangdong Provincial Government the existing notification mechanism for contamination of potable water supply to Hong Kong, including imposing a time limit for notification; to formulate a contingency mechanism jointly operated by Guangdong and Hong Kong for dealing with unexpected incidents of water supply; to discuss ways to enhance coordination in the supply of potable water to Hong Kong and allow flexibility in determining the supply quantity, so as to avoid drawing unneeded water when there was overflow from local reservoirs and hence resulting in wastage; and to discuss the further upgrading of the quality standard of potable water supply to Hong Kong; the Guangdong Provincial Government and the HKSAR Government should be allowed to review the water supply quantity according to needs on a monthly basis; in addition, the HKSAR Government should also examine expanding the existing reservoirs or further perfecting the interconnection of reservoirs, so as to increase the water storage capacity of local reservoirs."
| (3) | Motion on "Policy on public service broadcasting", moved by Hon Audrey EU Yuet-mee as amended by Hon SIN Chung-kai
"That this Council urges the Government to ensure that, in developing public service broadcasting in Hong Kong, it shall:
(a) | respect and adhere to editorial independence;
| (b) | defend the freedom of the press and freedom of speech;
| (c) | open up public access channels at an early date, so as to allow public participation;
| (d) | provide diversified information;
| (e) | cater for the needs of the minority and the socially disadvantaged groups; and
| (f) | allocate adequate resources to expedite the development of digital broadcasting, so as to allow the development of public service broadcasting to sustain in an era of digital convergence."