The LegCo Reporter
Issue No. 16 (27 April 2006)

At its meeting on 26 April 2006, the Legislative Council passed the following resolution:

At the same meeting, the Council passed the following motion with no legislative effect:

    Motion on "Donation of organs", moved by Hon Bernard CHAN

    "That, as the situation of organ donation in Hong Kong is still not satisfactory despite many years of publicity, and the number of organs donated is not sufficient to meet the demands of those waiting for organ transplants, this Council urges the Government to immediately conduct a comprehensive review on the current policy on organ donation, with a view to formulating a package of effective measures for needy patients to receive as soon as possible suitable organs to extend their lives; such measures should include: deploying more resources to improve the methods currently adopted by the Government, the Hospital Authority and the Hong Kong Medical Association for collecting people's wish to become organ donors and for registering their information, so as to enable the public to sign up as donors more easily; enhancing the information processing system, e.g. establishing a back-end computer system to more effectively process the information of all organ donors in Hong Kong, so as to facilitate easy access to such information by authorized persons; as well as stepping up publicity efforts on organ donation and encouraging the public to actively sign up as organ donors."

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