(1) | Motion on "Legislating to regulate medical devices", moved by Hon LI Kwok-ying as amended by Hon Vincent FANG Kang, Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki and Hon Fred LI Wah-ming
"That, as the Consumer Council's recent reports on the adverse body reactions of some people caused by the injection of Hydrophilic Polyacrylamide Gel (PAAG) for breast augmentation in the Mainland and Hong Kong have aroused widespread public concern, and exposed the loopholes in the existing system for regulating medical and beauty devices as well as materials which are used for implantation in human body by injection, this Council urges the Government to:
| (a) | after consulting the various sectors concerned and the public, legislate to restrict or forbid the implantation of PAAG in human body, subject all medical devices and materials for implantation in human body to proper regulation, set out clear definitions of the standards of medical and beauty devices as well as instructions on their use, and expeditiously put forward a comprehensive legislative proposal for the regulation of medical devices;
| (b) | in respect of those beauty devices currently included in the list of listed medical devices, further perfect the listing system by requiring that the beauty devices with the highest risk must be operated by personnel who have been properly trained and certified in the relevant field;
| (c) | review the existing regulatory system and legislation, in order to prevent exaggerated and false promotional claims about services and products, so as to safeguard the health and interests of consumers; and
| (d) | provide the public and users with more information about various medical and beauty devices, methods of using them and points to note, so that they can make informed choices; and
| (e) | subject all medical devices and materials for implantation in human body to proper regulation by limiting their use to properly trained medical personnel only; and
| (f) | expeditiously legislate to regulate advertisements about services and products which claim to be able to slim the body, facilitate detoxification and regulate the immune system."
(2) | Motion on "Effective utilization of fiscal surplus", moved by Hon KWONG Chi-kin
"That, as the fiscal surplus in 2005-06 amounts to $14 billion, which exceeds the expected $4.1 billion by $9.9 billion, this Council urges the Government to effectively utilize the surplus to alleviate the disparity between the rich and the poor, stimulate the economy and increase employment opportunities."