The LegCo Reporter
Issue No. 4 (17 November 2005)

At its meeting on 16 November 2005, the Legislative Council passed the following bill:

At the same meeting, the Council passed the following resolution:

The following motion with no legislative effect was also passed by the Council:

    Motion on "Reducing and remitting the duty on ultra low sulphur diesel", moved by Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yee

    "That, as the persistently high oil prices and high diesel prices have significantly increased the costs of doing business, and have hit various trades and industries, especially the public transport trade and the whole transport industry, weakened the competitiveness of Hong Kong's logistics industry and seriously affected people's livelihood, this Council urges the Government to adopt effective measures to assist the transport industry in opening up new sources of income and cutting expenditure, and to actively consider reducing and remitting the duty on ultra low sulphur diesel for one year until the end of 2006, by which time the situation should be reviewed, so as to alleviate the hardship of the transport industry, relieve public transport operators' pressure to increase fare, and strengthen the position of Hong Kong's logistics industry."

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