The LegCo Reporter
Issue No. 8 (15 December 2005)

At its meeting on 14 December 2005, the Legislative Council passed the following bill:

At the same meeting, the Council passed the following two resolutions:

(1)Resolution moved by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance.

(2)Resolution moved by Hon Jasper TSANG Yok-sing relating to the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The following two motions with no legislative effect were also passed by the Council:

(1)Motion on "Franchised bus fares", moved by Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo as amended by Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yee and further amended by Hon LEE Wing-tat

"That this Council supports the expeditious implementation of the fare adjustment mechanism that allows fares to go upward and downward in January 2006, which will apply to franchised bus companies, and urges the Government to discuss with various franchised bus companies:
(a)cancelling the proposed arrangements for advance payment of the return journey fares, and providing a reasonable form of fare reduction, including offering, in the return journey, a reduction of not less than 10% of the fares for both the forward and return journeys taken, so as to benefit more passengers;
(b)offering more comprehensive bus-bus interchange concessions;
(c)ways to expeditiously introduce one-day and one-week travel pass as well as monthly ticket schemes for buses, so as to allow choices for local passengers and tourists;
(d)the introduction of a monthly Free-ride Day for the elderly to encourage them to go out more often with a view to promoting their integration into the community; and
(e)the introduction of travel concessions for people with disabilities;
and to expeditiously reach a consensus with them on the relevant fare arrangements in order that such arrangements can be implemented in January next year and that the public can enjoy fare reductions and concessions as early as possible; at the same time, this Council also urges the Government to discuss with various franchised bus companies and encourage them, on condition that the burden on long-haul passengers will not be increased, to expeditiously introduce sectional fares for buses after identifying reasonable and feasible implementation methods."

(2)Motion on "Conservation of energy", moved by Hon CHOY So-yuk as amended by Hon SIN Chung-kai

"That, in order to more effectively promote energy conservation and enhance energy efficiency so as to achieve the objectives of protecting the environment and conserving the resources on the earth, this Council urges the Government to:
(a)formulate a comprehensive and effective energy conservation policy;
(b)establish a computer database on the energy consumption of products so that the public can have access to information about the energy efficiency of the products before deciding to buy such products;
(c)establish an energy conservation committee which is independent of the Government to coordinate the Government's and the two power companies' resources and initiatives for promoting energy conservation;
(d)take the lead in drawing up internal energy conservation programmes within various departments, to appoint an energy manager to oversee the implementation of energy conservation initiatives, and to provide annual reports reviewing the effectiveness of the initiatives;
(e)make it mandatory for proposed government buildings to pass the energy efficiency assessment prior to construction in order to ensure that the designs, materials and facilities of such buildings meet the energy conservation requirements;
(f)actively promote the implementation of green roof projects on buildings, especially government buildings such as hospitals and schools, etc, throughout the territory;
(g)expeditiously implement the mandatory energy efficiency labelling scheme;
(h)promote the provision of economic incentives by the two power companies with a view to encouraging their customers to use energy-saving electrical appliances;
(i)promote the introduction of an effective mechanism, including the provision of economic incentives, by commercial properties with a view to encouraging commercial tenants to reduce electricity consumption; and
(j)actively enhance, through publicity and education, the public's knowledge and awareness of energy conservation."

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