Panel on Environmental Affairs (Overseas Duty Visits)
The delegation of the Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs continued its duty visit in Japan. Members visited the recycling plaza of the Asahi Clean Centre in Tokyo, which includes a recycling facility as well as an educational facility to promote public awareness of recycling and environmental issues.
The delegation will visit the Sapporo Recycling Complex in Sapporo on Friday (August 25) to observe the operation of the complex.
The delegation is on an 11-day duty visit to Japan, Denmark and Finland to acquire first-hand information on the latest development in these countries on the avoidance and mitigation of environmental pollution in respect of waste management, air pollution control and water quality management. It comprises five members, including Hon CHOY So-yuk, Panel Chairman and delegation leader; Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing, Deputy Chairman of the Panel; Hon LAU Kong-wah; Hon LEE Wing-tat (only joins the delegation for the visit in Denmark and Finland); and Hon TAM Yiu-chung (a non-panel member who joins the delegation for the visit in Japan only).