Revised Agenda for
Public Works Subcommittee Meeting
to be held on Wednesday, 24 January 2007 at 8:30 a.m.
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building
Item No. | Subject
| Head 703 - Buildings
1. | PWSC(2006-07)67 | 100ET | Special school at Cornwall Street, Sham Shui Po, for severely intellectually disabled children
| (In attendance : Deputy Secretary (2), Education and Manpower Bureau / Principal Assistant Secretary (Infrastructure & Research Support), Education and Manpower Bureau / Director of Architectural Services )
| Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment
2. | PWSC(2006-07)68 | 28EA | Reprovisioning of St. Francis' Canossian School at St. Francis Street, Wan Chai
3. | PWSC(2006-07)69 | 57EC | A private independent school (secondary- cum-primary) at Caldecott Road, Sham Shui Po
| (In attendance for 28EA and 57EC : Deputy Secretary (2), Education and Manpower Bureau / Principal Assistant Secretary (Infrastructure & Research Support), Education and Manpower Bureau / Chief Technical Adviser (Subvented Projects), Architectural Services Department )
| Head 706 - Highways
4. | PWSC(2006-07)71 | 718TH | Improvement to Tung Chung Road between Lung Tseng Tau and Cheung Sha
| (In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary (Transport)5, Environment, Transport and Works Bureau / Director of Highways / Project Manager (Major Works), Highways Department / Chief Engineer (Traffic Engineering)(NTE), Transport Department)
| Head 703 - Buildings
5. | PWSC(2006-07)64 | 53RE
54RE | Improvement to Hong Kong Coliseum
Improvement to Queen Elizabeth Stadium
6. | PWSC(2006-07)65 | 248RS | Improvement to Kowloon Park Swimming Pool
7. | PWSC(2006-07)66 | 246RS | Improvement to Hong Kong Stadium
| | 249RS | Improvement to Hong Kong Squash Centre
| | 250RS | Improvement to Lai Chi Kok Park Sports Centre
| | 251RS | Improvement to Western Park Sports Centre
| | 253RS | Improvement to Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre
| | 254RS | Improvement to Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground
| | 255RS | Improvement to Stanley Main Beach Water Sports Centre
| | 257RS | Improvement to Tseung Kwan O Sports Centre
| | 262RS | Improvement to King's Park Hockey Ground
| (In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary (Recreation & Sport), Home Affairs Bureau / Director of Architectural Services / Director of Leisure and Cultural Services / Deputy Director (Leisure Services), Leisure and Cultural Services Department / Assistant Director (Leisure Services)2, Leisure and Cultural Services Department )
(Public officers in attendance of all items : Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Planning and Lands) / Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Works) / Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Environment))
~ End ~