The LegCo Reporter
Issue No. 5 (30 November 2006)

At its meeting on 29 November 2006, the Legislative Council passed the following five resolutions:

(1)Resolution moved by the Secretary for Economic Development and Labour relating to the Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (General) Regulation and the Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (Safety and Survey) Regulation.

(2)Resolution moved by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works relating to the Waterworks Ordinance and the Waterworks Regulations.

(3)Resolution moved by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury relating to the Banking (Capital) Rules.

(4)Resolution moved by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury relating to the Banking (Disclosure) Rules.

(5)Resolution moved by Hon Albert HO Chun-yan relating to the extension of the period for amending the Protection of Children and Juveniles (Places of Refuge) (Amendment) Order 2006, the Places of Detention (Juvenile Offenders) Appointment (Consolidation) (Amendment) Order 2006, the Probation of Offenders (Approved Institution) (Consolidation) (Amendment) Order 2006, the Reformatory School (Establishment) (Consolidation) (Amendment) Order 2006, the Immigration (Places of Detention) (Amendment) Order 2006 and the Remand Home (Amendment) Rules 2006.

At the same meeting, the Council passed the following motion with no legislative effect:

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