LC Paper No. | Paper | Meeting date
CB(1)1002/07-08(01) | Administration's paper on summary of deputations' views on individual clauses of the Bill with the Administration's response (position as at 4 March 2008) (English version only) | 6 March 2008
CB(1)885/07-08(01) | Submission from Democratic Party (Chinese version only) | 18 February 2008
CB(1)808/07-08(04) | Submission from Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (English version only) | 18 February 2008
CB(1)808/07-08(08) | Submission from Hong Kong Trade Services Council (Chinese version only) | 18 February 2008
CB(1)808/07-08(07) | Submission from Sham Shui Po District Council (Chinese version only) | 18 February 2008
CB(1)808/07-08(06) | Submission from The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (Chinese version only) | 18 February 2008
CB(1)840/07-08(02) | Submission from The Civic Party (Chinese version only) | 18 February 2008
CB(1)939/07-08(01) | Submission from the Consumer Council (English version only) | 18 February 2008
CB(1)840/07-08(04) | Submission from The Hong Kong Association of The Pharmaceutical Industry (English version only) | 18 February 2008
CB(1)840/07-08(03) | Submission from The Hong Kong Chinese Importers' & Exporters' Association (Chinese version only) | 18 February 2008
CB(1)808/07-08(05) | Submission from The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association Ltd (English version only) | 18 February 2008
CB(1)808/07-08(03) | Submission from The Hong Kong Institute of Trade Mark Practitioners (English version only) | 18 February 2008
CB(1)993/07-08(01) | Submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong (English version only) | 18 February 2008
CB(1)1185/07-08(03) | Summary of deputations' views on individual clauses of the Bill with the Administration's response (position as at 3 April 2008) | 10 April 2008
CB(1)953/07-08(03) | Summary of deputations' views on individual clauses of the Bill (position as at 4 March 2008) (English version only) | 6 March 2008