Bills Committee on Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2007


Written submissions and the Administration's response
    LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
    CB(1)1143/07-08(01)Administration/MPFA's response to views submitted by the Law Society of Hong Kong (English version only)27 March 2008
    CB(1)1027/07-08(01)Administration/MPFA's response to views submitted by various organizations/individuals on the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 2007 (as of 25 March 2008)13 March 2008
    27 March 2008
    CB(1)854/07-08(04)Submission from Dr CHAN Tung, Sham Shui Po District Council Chairman (Chinese version only)25 February 2008
    CB(1)877/07-08(03)Submission from Employer's Federation of Hong Kong (English version only)25 February 2008
    CB(1)1054/07-08(01)Submission from Hong Kong Bar Association (English version only)13 March 2008
    CB(1)854/07-08(01)Submission from Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association (Chinese version only)25 February 2008
    CB(1)877/07-08(01)Submission from Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (Chinese version only)25 February 2008
    CB(1)906/07-08(04)Submission from Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association (Chinese version only)25 February 2008
    CB(1)854/07-08(03)Submission from Law Society of Hong Kong (English version only)25 February 2008
    CB(1)854/07-08(06)Submission from Mr YEUNG Wai-sing, MH, Eastern District Council member (Chinese version only)25 February 2008
    CB(1)854/07-08(05)Submission from Ms KO Po-ling, Yau Tsim Mong District Council member (Chinese version only)25 February 2008
    CB(1)877/07-08(02)Submission from The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (Chinese version only)25 February 2008
    CB(1)906/07-08(03)Submission from the Democratic Party (Chinese version only)25 February 2008
    CB(1)854/07-08(02)Submission from The Federation of Hong Kong & Kowloon Labour Unions (Chinese version only)25 February 2008
    CB(1)906/07-08(01)Submission from the Hong Kong Chinese Importers' & Exporters'' Association (Chinese version only)25 February 2008
    CB(1)906/07-08(02)Submission from the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (Rights and Benefit Committee) (Chinese version only)25 February 2008

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