Agenda for
Public Works Subcommittee Meeting
to be held on Wednesday, 9 January 2008 at 8:30 a.m.
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

Item No.Subject

Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment
1.PWSC(2007-08)7052EGHuman Research Institute-phase 1, The University of Hong Kong
(In attendance : Deputy Secretary for Education (1), Education Bureau / Deputy Secretary-General (1), University Grants Committee / Chief Technical Adviser (Subvented Projects), Architectural Services Department / Director of Estates, The University of Hong Kong / Senior Assistant Director (Estates Office), The University of Hong Kong / Chairman, Project Group of Human Research Institute (Phase 1), The University of Hong Kong)

2.PWSC(2007-08)7153EG1 800-place student residences at Lung Wah Street, Kennedy Town, The University of Hong Kong
(In attendance : Deputy Secretary for Education (1), Education Bureau / Deputy Secretary-General (1), University Grants Committee / Chief Technical Adviser (Subvented Projects), Architectural Services Department / Director of Estates, The University of Hong Kong / Senior Assistant Director (Estates Office), The University of Hong Kong / Dean of Student Affairs, The University of Hong Kong)

Head 707 - New Towns and Urban Area Development
3.PWSC(2007-08)67389ROEnhancement of public facilities at Ngong Ping, Lantau
(In attendance : Commissioner for Tourism, Commerce and Economic Development Bureau / Assistant Commissioner for Tourism (2), Commerce and Economic Development Bureau / Director of Civil Engineering and Development / Chief Engineer (Islands Division), Civil Engineering and Development Department / Chief Architect (1), Architectural Services Department)

Head 709 - Waterworks
4.PWSC(2007-08)72326WFIntegration of Lion Rock high level fresh water primary service reservoirs and Tseung Kwan O fresh water primary service reservoir
(In attendance : Director of Water Supplies / Assistant Director (New Works), Water Supplies Department)


(Public officers in attendance of all items : Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) / Permanent Secretary for the Environment / Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands))

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