Item No. | Subject
| Head 706 - Highways
1. | PWSC(2007-08)73 | 153TB | Enhancement of footbridges in Tsim Sha Tsui East
| (In attendance : Deputy Commissioner for Tourism, Commerce and Economic Development Bureau / Assistant Commissioner for Tourism (3), Commerce and Economic Development Bureau / Director of Highways / Chief Highway Engineer (Works) (Acting), Highways Department)
| Head 704 - Drainage
2. | PWSC(2007-08)80 | 104CD | Drainage improvement in Northern Hong Kong Island - western lower catchment works
| (In attendance : Director of Drainage Services / Chief Engineer (Project Management), Drainage Services Department)
| Head 703 - Buildings
3. | PWSC(2007-08)79 | 415RO | District open space in Area 18, Tung Chung
| (In attendance : Assistant Secretary for Home Affairs (Recreation and Sport)1, Home Affairs Bureau / Director of Architectural Services / Assistant Director (Leisure Services)3, Leisure and Cultural Services Department / Chief Executive Officer (Planning)2, Leisure and Cultural Services Department)
4. | PWSC(2007-08)77 | 304EP | A 24-classroom primary school at Wylie Road, Kowloon
| (In attendance : Deputy Secretary for Education (2) / Principal Assistant Secretary for Education (Infrastructure and Research Support), Education Bureau / Director of Architectural Services)
| Head 707 - New Towns and Urban Area Development
5. | PWSC(2007-08)75 | 711CL | Kai Tak development - advance infrastructure works for developments at the southern part of the former runway
| (In attendance : Director of Civil Engineering and Development / Deputy Project Manager (Kowloon) (Acting), Civil Engineering and Development Department / Electronics and Data Communication Manager (Acting), Electrical and Mechanical Services Department)
| Head 711 - Housing
6. | PWSC(2007-08)76 | 407RO | District and local open spaces adjoining Choi Wan Road public housing development
| (In attendance : Assistant Director (Leisure Services)1, Leisure and Cultural Services Department / Director of Civil Engineering and Development / Chief Engineer (Land Works), Civil Engineering and Development Department / Chief Civil Engineer, Transport and Housing Bureau (Housing) / Chief Architect (3), Housing Department)
| Head 705 - Civil Engineering
7. | PWSC(2007-08)74 | 793TH | Improvement to Sunny Bay Interchange
| (In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary (Transport)5, Transport and Housing Bureau / Director of Civil Engineering and Development / Chief Engineer (Special Duties) (Works), Civil Engineering and Development Department / Chief Engineer (Traffic Engineering) (New Territories West), Transport Department)