Item No. | Subject
| Head 704 - Drainage
1. | PWSC(2007-08)84 | 108CD | West Kowloon drainage improvement - Lai Chi Kok Transfer Scheme
| (In attendance : Director of Drainage Services / Chief Engineer (Project Management), Drainage Services Department)
2. | PWSC(2007-08)85 | 237DS | Tai Po Tai Wo Road sewage pumping station and rising mains
| (In attendance : Director of Drainage Services / Chief Engineer (Sewerage Projects), Drainage Services Department / Assistant Director (Water Policy), Environmental Protection Department)
3. | PWSC(2007-08)86 | 340DS | Port Shelter sewerage stage 3 - Mang Kung Uk sewerage
| (In attendance : Director of Drainage Services / Chief Engineer (Sewerage Projects), Drainage Services Department / Assistant Director (Water Policy), Environmental Protection Department)
| Head 706 - Highways
4. | PWSC(2007-08)87 | 25TC | Replacement of conventional traffic signals with light emitting diode (LED) traffic signals in Hong Kong
| (In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary (Transport)2, Transport and Housing Bureau / Chief Engineer (Traffic Control), Transport Department)
5. | PWSC(2007-08)88 | 746TH | Reconstruction and improvement of Tuen Mun Road
| (In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary (Transport)5, Transport and Housing Bureau / Director of Highways (Acting) / Project Manager (Major Works), Highways Department / Assistant Director (Environmental Assessment), Environmental Protection Department / Chief Engineer (Traffic Engineering) (New Territories West), Transport Department)
6. | PWSC(2007-08)89 | 801TH | Widening of Tuen Mun Road at Tsing Tin Interchange
| (In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary (Transport)5, Transport and Housing Bureau / Director of Highways (Acting) / Project Manager (Major Works), Highways Department / Chief Engineer (Traffic Engineering) (New Territories West), Transport Department)
| Head 703 - Buildings
7. | PWSC(2007-08)78 | 27NM | General improvement to Fa Yuen Street Market and Cooked Food Centre
| (In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary (Food)2, Food and Health Bureau / Assistant Director (Operations)2 (Acting), Food and Environmental Hygiene Department / Director of Architectural Services)
8. | PWSC(2007-08)82 | 261RS | Sports Centre in Area 28A, Fanling/ Sheung Shui
| (In attendance : Assistant Secretary for Home Affairs (Recreation and Sport)1, Home Affairs Bureau / Director of Architectural Services / Assistant Director (Leisure Services)3, Leisure and Cultural Services Department / Chief Executive Officer (Planning)2, Leisure and Cultural Services Department)
9. | PWSC(2007-08)83 | 346EP | Extension to Sheng Kung Hui Mung Yan Primary School at King Fung Path, Tuen Mun
| (In attendance : Deputy Secretary for Education (2) / Principal Assistant Secretary (Infrastructure and Research Support), Education Bureau / Director of Architectural Services)
| Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment
10. | PWSC(2007-08)81 | 53EF | 1 500-place student hostel, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
| (In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary (Higher Education), Education Bureau / Deputy Secretary-General (1), University Grants Committee / Chief Technical Adviser (Subvented Projects), Architectural Services Department / Pro-Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong / Director of Campus Development, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)