Item No. | Subject
| Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment
1. | PWSC(2008-09)13 | 15QJ | Redevelopment of the Hong Kong Sports Institute
| (In attendance: Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs (2) / Principal Assistant Secretary (Recreation and Sport), Home Affairs Bureau / Assistant Director (Leisure Services)2, Leisure and Cultural Services Department / Chief Technical Adviser (Subvented Projects), Architectural Services Department / Vice Chairman, Hong Kong Sports Institute Limited / Member, Hong Kong Sports Institute Redevelopment Project Steering Committee / Chief Executive, Hong Kong Sports Institute Limited / Director, Corporate Services, Hong Kong Sports Institute Limited / Project Manager, Hong Kong Sports Institute Limited)
| Head 707 - New Towns and Urban Area Development
2. | PWSC(2008-09)21 | 717CL | Tseung Kwan O further development - site formation and infrastructure works at Pak Shing Kok, Tseung Kwan O
| (In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary (Planning and Lands)2, Development Bureau / Director of Civil Engineering and Development / Chief Engineer (Tseung Kwan O and Sai Kung), Civil Engineering and Development Department)
| Head 703 - Buildings
3. | PWSC(2008-09)14 | 419RO | Aldrich Bay Park
| (In attendance : Assistant Secretary (Recreation and Sports)(1), Home Affairs Bureau / Director of Architectural Services / Assistant Director (Leisure Services)2, Leisure and Cultural Services Department / Chief Executive Officer (Planning)1, Leisure and Cultural Services Department)
| Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment
4. | PWSC(2008-09)19 | 88EB | Redevelopment of Concordia Lutheran School at Tai Hang Tung Road, Sham Shui Po
| (In attendance : Deputy Secretary for Education (2) / Principal Assistant Secretary (Infrastructure and Research Support), Education Bureau / Chief Technical Adviser (Subvented Projects), Architectural Services Department)
| Head 703 - Buildings
5. | PWSC(2008-09)20 | 105ET | Extension to Jockey Club Elaine Field School, the Spastics Association of Hong Kong in Area 9, Tai Po
| (In attendance: Deputy Secretary for Education (2) / Principal Assistant Secretary (Infrastructure and Research Support), Education Bureau / Director of Architectural Services / Principal Inspector (Special Education Support 1),
Education Bureau)
6. | PWSC(2008-09)16 | 262ES | A secondary school at development near Choi Wan Road and Jordan Valley, Kwun Tong
7. | PWSC(2008-09)15 | 104ET | A direct subsidy scheme school (secondary-cum-primary) in Area 13, Yuen Long
8. | PWSC(2008-09)18 | 299EP | A 24-classroom primary school in Area 55, Tuen Mun
| | 300EP | A 30-classroom primary school in Area 55, Tuen Mun
| (In attendance for 3262ES, 3104ET, 3299EP and 3300EP: Deputy Secretary for Education (2) / Principal Assistant Secretary (Infrastructure and Research Support), Education Bureau / Director of Architectural Services)