Item No. | Subject
| Head 703 - Buildings
1. | PWSC(2008-09)16 | 262ES | A secondary school at development near Choi Wan Road and Jordan Valley, Kwun Tong
2. | PWSC(2008-09)15 | 104ET | A direct subsidy scheme school (secondary-cum-primary) in Area 13, Yuen Long
3. | PWSC(2008-09)18 | 299EP | A 24-classroom primary school in Area 55, Tuen Mun
| | 300EP | A 30-classroom primary school in Area 55, Tuen Mun
| (In attendance for 3262ES, 3104ET, 3299EP and 3300EP: Deputy Secretary for Education (2) / Principal Assistant Secretary (Infrastructure and Research Support), Education Bureau / Director of Architectural Services)
4. | PWSC(2008-09)20 | 105ET | Extension to Jockey Club Elaine Field School, the Spastics Association of Hong Kong in Area 9, Tai Po
| (In attendance : Deputy Secretary for Education (2) / Principal Assistant Secretary (Infrastructure and Research Support), Education Bureau / Director of Architectural Services / Principal Inspector (Special Education Support 1), Education Bureau)
| Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment
5. | PWSC(2008-09)24 | 66MM | Provision of a general out-patient clinic, an integrated community mental health support services centre and a long stay care home in Tin Shui Wai Area 109
| (In attendance : Deputy Secretary for Food and Health (Health)2 / Principal Assistant Secretary (Health)3, Food and Health Bureau / Director of Architectural Services / Commissioner for Rehabilitation, Labour and Welfare Bureau / Assistant Director (Rehabilitation and Medical Social Services), Social Welfare Department / Chief Manager (Strategy and Service Planning), Hospital Authority / Service Director (Community Care), Hospital Authority)
| Head 707 - New Towns and Urban Area Development
6. | PWSC(2008-09)25 | 324TH | Widening of Yeung Uk Road between Tai Ho Road and Ma Tau Pa Road, Tsuen Wan
| (In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary (Transport)5, Transport and Housing Bureau / Director of Civil Engineering and Development / Chief Engineer (New Territories West), Civil Engineering and Development Department / Chief Traffic Engineer (New Territories West), Transport Department)
| Head 703 - Buildings
7. | PWSC(2008-09)26 | 11NT | Conversion of aqua privies into flushing toilets - phase 5
| (In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary (Food)2, Food and Health Bureau / Assistant Director (Operations)3, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department / Director of Architectural Services)
| Head 707 - New Towns and Urban Area Development
8. | PWSC(2008-09)29 | 721CL | Kau Hui development - engineering works in Area 16, Yuen Long, phase 2 - extension of Road L3
| (In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary (Planning and Lands)2, Development Bureau / Director of Civil Engineering and Development / Chief Engineer (Tin Shui Wai and Yuen Long), Civil Engineering and Development Department)
| Head 704 - Drainage
9. | PWSC(2008-09)27 | 144CD | Drainage improvement in Southern Hong Kong Island
| (In attendance : Director of Drainage Services / Chief Engineer (Drainage Projects) (Acting), Drainage Services Department )
| Head 709 - Waterworks
10. | PWSC(2008-09)28 | 13WS | Salt water supply system for Pok Fu Lam area
| (In attendance : Director of Water Supplies / Chief Engineer (Consultants Management), Water Supplies Department)