Agenda for
Public Works Subcommittee Meeting
to be held on Friday, 20 June 2008 at 8:30 a.m.
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building
Item No. | Subject
| Head 703 - Buildings
1. | PWSC(2008-09)36 | 419RO | Aldrich Bay Park
| (In attendance : Assistant Secretary (Recreation and Sports)(1), Home Affairs Bureau / Director of Architectural Services / Assistant Director (Leisure Services)2, Leisure and Cultural Services Department / Chief Executive Officer (Planning)1, Leisure and Cultural Services Department)
2. | PWSC(2008-09)35 | 267ES | Conversion of a primary school premises in Area 104, Tin Shui Wai to support reprovisioning of a secondary school
| (In attendance : Deputy Secretary for Education (2) / Principal Assistant Secretary (Infrastructure and Research Support), Education Bureau / Director of Architectural Services)
3. | PWSC(2008-09)30 | 55RE | A permanent planning and infrastructure exhibition gallery at City Hall Annex
| (In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary (Planning and Lands)2, Development Bureau / Director of Architectural Services / Assistant Director (Technical Services), Planning Department)
| Head 709 - Waterworks
4. | PWSC(2008-09)33 | 186WC | Replacement and rehabilitation of water mains, stage 3
5. | PWSC(2008-09)34 | 189WC | Replacement and rehabilitation of water mains, stage 4
| (In attendance for 9186WC and 9189WC : Director of Water Supplies / Assisting Director (New Works) (Acting), Water Supplies Department)
6. | PWSC(2008-09)32 | 327WF | Laying of western cross harbour main and associated land mains from West Kowloon to Sai Ying Pun
| (In attendance : Director of Water Supplies / Chief Engineer (Consultants Management), Water Supplies Department)
(Public officers in attendance of all items : Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) / Permanent Secretary for the Environment / Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands))
~ End ~