Panel on Health Services

Meeting on Monday, 16 June 2008, at 8:30 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building

Revised Agenda
(as at 13 June 2008)

I.Confirmation of minutes
(8:30 am - 8:35 am)

LC Paper No. CB(2)2212/07-08
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 2284/07-08 on 13 June 2008)

-Minutes of meeting on 19 May 2008

II.Information paper(s) issued since the last meeting
(8:35 am - 8:40 am)

LC Paper No. CB(2)2224/07-08(01)
(issued on 10 June 2008)

-Paper on "Progress of Licensing under the Human Reproductive Technology Ordinance" provided by the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)2224/07-08(02)
(paper issued on 10 June 2008, Annex to the paper issued on 11 June 2008)

-Paper on "Strategy for Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases" provided by the Administration

III.Vaccination policy
(8:40 am - 9:35 am)

LC Paper No. CB(2)2211/07-08(01)
(issued on 10 June 2008)

-Paper provided by the Administration

Submission from For the Next Generation Movement

LC Paper No. CB(2)2257/07-08(01)
(issued on 12 June 2008)
(Chinese version only)

-Submission dated 10 June 2008 Submissions from香港兒童健康疫苗關注組

LC Paper No. CB(2) 2211/07-08(02)
(issued on 10 June 2008)
(Chinese version only)

-Submission dated 6 June 2008

LC Paper No. CB(2)1526/07-08(01)
(issued on 8 April 2008)
(Chinese version only)

-Submission dated 2 April 2008

LC Paper No. CB(2)1219/07-08(01)
(issued on 27 February 2008)
(Chinese version only)

-Submission dated 21 February 2008

LC Paper No. CB(2)1086/07-08(01)
(issued on 14 February 2008)
(Chinese version only)

-Submission dated 6 February 2008

LC Paper No. CB(2)725/07-08(01)
(issued on 4 January 2008)
(Chinese version only)

-Submission dated 2 January 2008

Submission from Wyeth (Hong Kong) Limited

LC Paper No. CB(2)1016/07-08(01)
(issued on 5 February 2008)
(Chinese version only)

-Submission dated 28 January 2008

IV.Review on the mechanism of appointment of senior doctors in Hospital Authority
(9:35 am - 10:25 am)

LC Paper No. CB(2)2211/07-08(03)
(issued on 10 June 2008)

-Paper provided by the Administration

V.Any other business
(10:25 am - 10:30 am)

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
13 June 2008

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