List of outstanding items for discussion
List of follow-up actions
Anti-smoking legislation and enforcement
Chinese medicine
Related matters of the Hospital Authority
Fees restructuring
Avian flu
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Centre for Health Protection
Continuing medical education for medical practitioners
Drug formulary
Doctor Work Reform
Health care equipment
Health care reforms
Health related legislation and subsidiary legislation
Health services for the elderly
Prevention and control of diseases
Japanese Encephalitis
Medical advertisements
Meningococcal infections
Mental health service
Overseas duty visit
Obstetric Services
Pharmaceuticals - registration and other matters
Policy objectives
Pharmacies and drug stores - monitoring
Poison prevention and control
Public health
Hospital Authority Sentinel Event Policy
Public hospitals - manpower and remuneration
Rationalisation of public hospital services
Regulation of health claims and regulation of health maintenance organisations
Outbreak of illnesses in public hospital
Samaritan Fund
Separation of prescribing from dispensing of drugs
Streptococcus suis
Health Service