bullet Year 2007 - 2008
bullet Year 2006 - 2007
bullet Year 2005 - 2006
bullet Year 2004 - 2005

bullet Papers

Boundary control policies and issues

Year 2007 - 2008

Year 2006 - 2007

  • Letter dated 25 August 2007 from a member of the public on immigration policy in respect of Shenzhen residents (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2685/06-07(01)] (issued on 7 September 2007)

  • Submission from the Taxi & P.L.B. Concern Group (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2653/06-07(01)] (issued on 29 August 2007)

  • Letter dated 3 July 2007 from Hon LI Kwok-ying regarding immigration and complementary arrangements for cross-boundary students (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2378/06-07(02)] (3 July 2007)

  • Letter to the Chief Secretary for Administration regarding the transport and complementary arrangements for cross-boundary students (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2634/06-07(01)] (3 July 2007)

  • Paper entitled "Arrangements for cross-boundary students" provided by the Administration [CB(2)2284/06-07(04)] (3 July 2007)

  • Reply from the Secretary for Education regarding the transport and complementary arrangements for cross-boundary students (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2634/06-07(02)] (3 July 2007)

  • Letter dated 11 May 2007 from Hon Cheung Man-kwong (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2018/06-07(03)] (5 June 2007)

  • Paper provided by the Administration on the results of public consultation on the recommendations arising from the review of the coverage of the Frontier Closed Area [CB(2)1156/06-07(01)] (6 March 2007)
Year 2005 - 2006

Year 2004 - 2005