Panel on Transport

Meeting on
Friday, 23 November 2007, at 10:45 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


I.Confirmation of minutes and matters arising
(10:45 am - 10:47 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1)261/07-08
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)262/07-08 on 21 November 2007)

-Minutes of the special meeting held on 22 October 2007

II.Information papers issued since last meeting

LC Paper No. CB(1)163/07-08(01)
(issued on 30 October 2007)

-Submission on railway fare concessions for students from a Form 7 student (Chinese version only) (Restricted to members only)

LC Paper No. CB(1)234/07-08(01)
(issued on 9 November 2007)

-Submission on Mass Transit Railway Lai Chi Kok Station Cheung Lai Street pedestrian subway and entrances works from the management office of Liberte (Chinese version only) (Restricted to members only)

LC Paper No. CB(1)266/07-08(01)
(issued on 16 November 2007)

-Administration's paper on 145TB - Extension of footbridge network in Tsuen Wan

LC Paper No. CB(1)270/07-08(01) and (02)
(issued on 16 November 2007)

-Correspondence between a member of the public and the Transport Department on headlights of vehicles (Chinese version only) (Restricted to members only)

LC Paper No. CB(1)280/07-08(01)
(issued on 19 November 2007)

-Submission on taxi fare adjustment from Mini Spotters (English version only)

III.Items for discussion at the next meeting scheduled for 18 December 2007
(10:47 am - 10:50 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1)263/07-08(01)
(issued on 19 November 2007)

-List of outstanding items for discussion

LC Paper No. CB(1)263/07-08(02)
(issued on 19 November 2007)

-List of follow-up actions

*IV.Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link and Tuen Mun Western Bypass
(10:50 am - 11:45 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1)263/07-08(03)
(issued on 19 November 2007)

-Administration's paper on Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link and Tuen Mun Western Bypass

LC Paper No. CB(1)264/07-08
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)263/07-08 on 19 November 2007)

-Paper on Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link and Tuen Mun Western Bypass prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief)

*V.Staffing proposal to enhance railway safety regulation
(11:45 am - 12:45 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1)263/07-08(04)
(issued on 19 November 2007)

-Administration's paper on staffing proposal to enhance railway safety regulation

VI.Any other business
(12:45 pm onwards)

*Non-Panel Members are invited to join the discussion on the items.

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
19 November 2007

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