Submission from Hong Kong Association for Parents of Persons with Physical Disabilities on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1640/05-06(06)] (11 December 2006 and 10 April 2006)
Submission from Hong Kong Stoma Association Ltd on the system for processing applications for Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)614/06-07(01)] (11 December 2006)
Submission from "Invisible disability" Concern Group for Disability Allowance on the system for processing applications for Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)601/06-07(02)] (11 December 2006)
Submission from the Against Elderly Abuse of Hong Kong on the system for processing applications for Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)601/06-07(01)] (11 December 2006)
Submission from the Association of Parents of the Severely Mentally Handicapped on the system for processing applications for Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)601/06-07(03)] (11 December 2006)
Submission from關注傷殘津貼聯席on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1640/05-06(07)] (11 December 2006 and 10 April 2006)
Further submission from器官殘障傷殘津貼關注小組on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1709/05-06(02)] (10 April 2006)
Submission from Alliance for Renal Patients Mutual Help Association on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1709/05-06(01)] (10 April 2006)
Submission from Hong Kong Stoma Association on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1640/05-06(04)] (10 April 2006)
Submission from the Against Elderly Abuse of Hong Kong on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1640/05-06(11)] (10 April 2006)
Submission from the Association of Parents of the Severely Mentally Handicapped on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1640/05-06(05)] (10 April 2006)
Submission from the Parents' Association of Pre-school Handicapped Children on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1640/05-06(10)] (10 April 2006)
Submission from器官殘障傷殘津貼關注小組on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1640/05-06(09)] (10 April 2006)
Further submission from關注傷殘津貼聯席on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)696/05-06(01)] (12 December 2005)
Submission from Hong Kong Blind Union on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)650/05-06(01)] (12 December 2005)
Submission from Hong Kong Lupus Association on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)636/05-06(03)] (12 December 2005)
Submission from Patient Mutual Support Division, Community Rehabilitation Network Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)636/05-06(01)] (12 December 2005)
Submission from Wang Tau Hom Centre, Community Rehabilitation Network Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)636/05-06(02)] (12 December 2005)
Submission from器官殘障傷殘津貼關注小組on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)636/05-06(04)] (12 December 2005)
Submission from傷殘津貼審批制度關注小組on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme(Chinese version only)[CB(2)298/05-06(06)](14 November 2005)
Submission from關注傷殘津貼聯席on the review of the Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme(Chinese version only)[CB(2)298/05-06(07)](14 November 2005)
Joint submission from Society for Community Organisation and Elderly Rights League (HK) on Social security assistance for needy elderly in Hong Kong(Chinese version only)[CB(2)1828/04-05(09)](13 June 2005)
Submission from Chinese Grey Power on Social security assistance for needy elderly in Hong Kong(Chinese version only)[CB(2)1828/04-05(06)](13 June 2005)
Submission from Elderly Power on Social security assistance for needy elderly in Hong Kong(Chinese version only)[CB(2)1929/04-05(01)](13 June 2005)
Submission from Hong Kong Council of Social Service on Social security assistance for needy elderly in Hong Kong(Chinese version only)[CB(2)1828/04-05(07)](13 June 2005)
Submission from Hong Kong Social Security Society on Social security assistance for needy elderly in Hong Kong(Chinese version only)[CB(2)1828/04-05(08)](13 June 2005)
Submission from Rights Concern for Elderly Alliances on Social security assistance for needy elderly in Hong Kong(Chinese version only)[CB(2)1828/04-05(05)](13 June 2005)
Submission from the Fight for Social Welfare Alliance on the funding for welfare service in 2005-06 (Chinese version only) [CB(2)420/04-05(01)] (13 December 2004)
Submission from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service on the funding for welfare service in 2005-06 (Chinese version only) [CB(2)394/04-05(01)] (13 December 2004)