Powerpoint presentation materials provided by Administration on Batterer Intervention Programme (Chinese version only) [CB(2)2272/07-08(11)] (12 June 2008)
The Administration's consolidated list of recommendations from various studies and the Administration's responses (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1439/05-06(02)] (28 March 2006)
The Administration's response to issues raised by the deputations at the meeting on 18 January 2005 (Chinese version only) [CB(2)980/04-05(01)] (3 March 2005)
The Administration's response to the remaining two submissions submitted by non-government organisations after the meeting held on 18 January 2005 (Chinese version only) [CB(2)1446/04-05(01)] (18 January 2005)
Supplementary information paper on the number of new arrival women involved in family violence cases in the recent four years provided by the Administration (Chinese version only) [CB(2)373/04-05(01)] (8 December 2004)