Bills Committee on
Public Health and Municipal Services (Amendment) Bill 2008

Meeting on Thursday, 4 December 2008, from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building

Revised Agenda
(as at 4 December 2008)

I.Confirmation of minutes
(3:30 pm - 3:35 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(2)371/08-09
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)372/08-09 on 1 December 2008)

-Minutes of meeting on 18 November 2008

II.Meeting with deputations and the Administration
(3:35 pm - 5:25 pm)

List of deputations attending

  1. Consumer Council
    LC Paper No. CB(2)404/08-09(01) (English version only)

  2. Hong Kong Medical Association
    LC Paper No. CB(2)374/08-09(01)

  3. Hong Kong Food Council

  4. The Democratic Party
    LC Paper No. CB(2)430/08-09(01) (Chinese version only)

  5. Federation of Hong Kong Industries
    LC Paper No. CB(2)430/08-09(02) (Chinese version only)

  6. Hong Kong Suppliers Association Ltd

  7. Kowloon Fruit and Vegetable Merchants Association Ltd
    LC Paper No. CB(2)476/08-09(01) (Chinese version only)

  8. Hong Kong Imported Vegetable Wholesale Merchants Association

  9. The Merchants Association of First Wholesalers / Jobbery of Imported Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Ltd

  10. Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades

  11. Hong Kong Retail Management Association
    LC Paper No. CB(2)374/08-09(02) (English version only)

  12. Maxim's Caterers Ltd.

  13. Chinese Cuisine Management Association

  14. The Association for Hong Kong Catering Services Management
    LC Paper No. CB(2)430/08-09(03) (Chinese version only)

  15. Hong Kong Catering Industry Association
    LC Paper No. CB(2)430/08-09(04) (Chinese version only)

Other submissions received

  1. Hong Kong College of Community Medicine
    LC Paper No. CB(2)374/08-09(03) (English version only)
    (issued on 1 December 2008)

  2. Advisory Council on Food and Environmental Hygiene
    LC Paper No. CB(2)404/08-09(02) (English version only)

  3. Hong Kong Doctors Union
    LC Paper No. CB(2)430/08-09(05) (English version only)

(A list of relevant papers previously issued is available on the LegCo website at

III.Any other business
(5:25 pm - 5:30 pm)

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
4 December 2008

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