Bills Committee on Voting by Imprisoned Persons Bill


Draft Committee Stage amendments and comments received

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)1735/08-09(01) Administration's paper on proposed Committee Stage Amendment to the Voting by Imprisoned Persons Bill 1 June 2009
CB(2)1812/08-09(01) Administration's paper on proposed Committee Stage Amendment to the Voting by Imprisoned Persons Bill 8 June 2009
11 June 2009
CB(2)1901/08-09(01) Committee Stage amendments (CSAs) to clause 5(1) of the Bill proposed by Dr Margaret NG 15 June 2009
CB(2)1901/08-09(02) CSAs to clause 5(1) of the Bill proposed by Hon James TO Kun-sun 15 June 2009

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