Bills Committee on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009


Written submissions and the Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)80/09-10(01) Administration's response to issues raised by members at the Bills Committee meetings held on 16 July and 12 October 2009 27 October 2009
23 November 2009
9 December 2009
CB(2)307/09-10(02) Administration's response to views and suggestions raised by deputations at the Bills Committee meeting held on 12 October 2009 23 November 2009
9 December 2009
21 December 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(14) Joint submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Salary Back Worker Concern Group and Catholic Diocese of HK Diocesan Pastoral Centre for Workers (Kowloon) (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(16) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Catering and Hotels Industries Employees General Union (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(11) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Construction Site Workers General Union (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(04) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Eating Establishment Employees General Union (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(17) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Employers' Federation of Hong Kong (English version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(18) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Federation of Hong Kong Industries (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(03) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Hong Kong & Kowloon Trades Union Council (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2618/08-09(01) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Hong Kong Catering Industry Association (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(13) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Hong Kong Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(02) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(10) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Hong Kong Construction Association (English version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(05) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(19) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (English version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(07) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(12) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from Neighbourhood and Worker's Service Centre (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(08) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from The Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009
CB(2)2591/08-09(01) Submission on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2009 from The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions - Rights & Benefits Committee (Chinese version only) 12 October 2009

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