Bills Committee on Minimum Wage Bill


Written submissions and the Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)1841/09-10(01) Administration's response to a member of the public on clause 5 of the Bill 14 June 2010*
CB(2)1120/09-10(01) Administration's response to the submission from the Employers' Federation of Hong Kong on "place of employment", "hours worked" and the drafting of clause 3 of the Bill 18 March 2010*
CB(2)306/09-10(02) Administration's response to the views/suggestions made by deputations 19 November 2009
CB(2)2498/08-09(01) Joint submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Asian Migrants Coordinating Body, United Filipinos in Hong Kong and Thai Regional Alliance (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(20) Joint submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Coalition for Migrants Rights, Indonesian Migrant Workers Union, Filipino Domestic Workers' Union, Asian Migrant Centre and Filipino Community Services and Information Network (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(50) Joint submission on Minimum Wage Bill from The Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions, Commodities Promotion and Retailing Employee General Union and Hong Kong Housing Management Employees Union (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)1871/09-10(01) Joint submission on the special arrangement for persons with disabilities as provided in the Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Chi Association and the Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association (Chinese version only) 18 June 2010*
CB(2)1196/09-10(01) Response of the Provisional Minimum Wage Commission to the submission from Hong Kong Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs (Chinese version only) 31 March 2010*
CB(2)1249/09-10(01) Submission from a member of the public on Clause 5 of the Bill (English version only) 6 April 2010*
CB(2)1511/09-10(04) Submission from Hong Kong Blind Union on assessment of degree of productivity of persons with disabilities (Chinese version only) 13 May 2010
15 June 2010
17 June 2010
CB(2)1208/09-10(01) Submission from Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions on the composition and operation of the Minimum Wage Commission and the setting of the minimum wage rate (Chinese version only) 31 March 2010
13 April 2010
27 April 2010
CB(2)1511/09-10(05) Submission from Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities on assessment of degree of productivity of persons with disabilities (Chinese version only) 13 May 2010
15 June 2010
17 June 2010
CB(2)1511/09-10(03) Submission from Rehabilitation Alliance Hong Kong on assessment of degree of productivity of persons with disabilities (Chinese version only) 13 May 2010
15 June 2010
17 June 2010
CB(2)967/09-10(01) Submission from the Employers' Federation of Hong Kong on "place of employment", "hours worked" and the drafting of clause 3 of the Bill (English version only) 19 February 2010*
CB(2)1478/09-10(01) Submission from the Equal Opportunities Commission setting out its response to issues raised by members at the Bills Committee meeting held on 29 April 2010 4 May 2010
15 June 2010
17 June 2010
CB(2)1640/09-10(02) Submission from the Equal Opportunities Commission setting out its response to issues raised by members at the Bills Committee meetings held on 4 May and 13 May 2010 15 June 2010
17 June 2010
CB(2)1511/09-10(06) Submission from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service on assessment of degree of productivity of persons with disabilities (Chinese version only) 13 May 2010
15 June 2010
17 June 2010
CB(2)1511/09-10(02) Submission from The Parents' Association of Pre-School Handicapped Children on assessment of degree of productivity of persons with disabilities (Chinese version only) 13 May 2010
15 June 2010
17 June 2010
CB(2)2571/08-09(28) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (天主教爭取家庭工資聯盟) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(29) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (天主教爭取家庭工資聯盟) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(38) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (「互助情生活易」小組) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(72) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (一群基層待業市民) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(73) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (觀塘一些基層街坊) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(74) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (小飛俠親子義工小組) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(75) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (翱翔社) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(76) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (新來港之友互助組) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(77) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (幾位牛頭角的婦女) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(78) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (關懷愛心互助組) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(79) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (新人類(青年組)) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(80) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (絲一族婦女組) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(81) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (荃灣三無(晚間街坊茶聚)) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(82) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (荃灣三無(日間街坊茶聚)) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2590/08-09(03) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (外傭僱主義工隊) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)1699/09-10(02) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (東華三院莫羅瑞華綜合職業復康中心家屬) (Chinese version only) 15 June 2010
17 June 2010
CB(2)1456/09-10(02) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a deputation (亞洲民生關注n Friends) 3 May 2010*
CB(2)2300/08-09(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a group of entrepreneurs (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)1699/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a group of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Jockey Club rehabilitation centres (Chinese version only) 15 June 2010
17 June 2010
CB(2)1299/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a member of the public (Chinese version only) 12 April 2010*
CB(2)1410/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a member of the public (Chinese version only) 27 April 2010*
CB(2)1742/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a member of the public (Chinese version only) 5 June 2010*
CB(2)1798/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a member of the public (Chinese version only) 8 June 2010*
CB(2)2045/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a member of the public (Chinese version only) 9 July 2010*
CB(2)2571/08-09(83) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a member of the public (吳嘉欣) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(84) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a member of the public (鍾貞霞) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(85) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a member of the public (小麥) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)110/09-10(02) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a member of the public (羅嘉穗) (Chinese version only) 20 October 2009*
CB(2)1485/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a member of the public (劉爾蔓) (Chinese version only) 5 May 2010*
CB(2)1485/09-10(02) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from a member of the public (許慧珊) (Chinese version only) 5 May 2010*
CB(2)2571/08-09(61) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from AHK Air Hong Kong Limited (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(19) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Association of Restaurant Managers (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(37) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Caritas Community Centres - Working Group on Services Relating Legislating Minimum Wage (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(32) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Catering and Hotels Industries Employees General Union (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2515/08-09(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Cathay Pacific Airways Limited (Restricted to members only) (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(06) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Chinese Cuisine Management Association (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(33) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Civil Human Rights Front (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(46) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Cleaning Workers Union (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(16) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Coalition of Service Providers for Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)1456/09-10(03) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Community Development Initiative 3 May 2010*
CB(2)2571/08-09(41) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Concerning CSSA Review Alliance (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(43) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(23) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Employers' Federation of Hong Kong (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)1850/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Employers' Federation of Hong Kong (English version only) 14 June 2010*
CB(2)2571/08-09(31) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Environmental Services Contractors Alliance (Hong Kong) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)1386/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Environmental Services Contractors Alliance (Hong Kong) (Chinese version only) 26 April 2010*
CB(2)2571/08-09(59) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Families for Domestic Workers (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(55) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Federation of Asian Domestic Workers' Unions in Hong Kong Organizing Committee (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(11) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Federation of Hong Kong Industries (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(87) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2604/08-09(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from HK Environmental Services and Logistics Employees Association (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2510/08-09(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong & Kowloon Trades Union Council (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2582/08-09(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Action (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(03) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(62) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Blind Union (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2590/08-09(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Blind Union (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(60) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Buildings Management and Security Workers General Union (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(05) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Catering Industry Association (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(27) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2582/08-09(02) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Chamber of Professional Property Consultants Limited (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)1532/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Christian Service (Chinese version only) 7 May 2010*
CB(2)2571/08-09(30) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(86) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Diecasting and Foundry Association (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(56) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Domestic Workers General Union (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2529/08-09(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Limited (Restricted to members only) (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2498/08-09(02) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Employers of Domestic Helpers Association (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(71) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Federation of Catholic Students (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(22) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(36) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(07) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)75/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Institute of Real Estate Administrators (Chinese version only) 3 November 2009*
CB(2)2571/08-09(21) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(39) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies General Association (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(34) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Retail Management Association 7 October 2009
CB(2)1715/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Retail Management Association (English version only) 3 June 2010*
CB(2)609/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Securities Association (Chinese version only) 22 December 2009*
CB(2)1569/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Securities Association (Chinese version only) 13 May 2010*
CB(2)1798/09-10(02) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Women Professional & Entrepreneurs Association Limited (Chinese version only) 11 June 2010*
CB(2)2571/08-09(45) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Women Workers' Association (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(48) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from IUF - International Domestic Workers Network (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(88) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from John Swire & Sons (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(40) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(68) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Kowloon City District Council members Mr CHAN Wing-lim, Ms WONG Wai-ching and Mr CHAN King-wong (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)110/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Manley TAI (Chinese version only) 20 October 2009*
CB(2)2392/08-09(03) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Minimum Wage Concern Group 7 October 2009
CB(2)2578/08-09(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Miss IP Ka-ching (Restricted to members only) (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)1456/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Miss Jessie LEE (Chinese version only) 1 May 2010*
CB(2)2571/08-09(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Mr Albert WONG Shun-yee, Islands District Council member (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(53) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Mr Andrew SHUEN Pak-man (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(54) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Mr Hans Mahncke (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(10) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Mr Joseph YEUNG (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(12) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Mr LEE Kam-wing (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(02) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Mr LUK Chung-hung, Yuen Long District Council member (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(24) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Mr Raymond HO Man-kit, Sai Kung District Council member (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2392/08-09(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Ms Sandy AW 7 October 2009
CB(2)2392/08-09(02) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Ms Sandy AW 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(70) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Ms WONG Mo-tai, Sha Tin District Council member (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(57) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Neighbourhood and Worker's Service Centre (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(17) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Oxfam Hong Kong (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)1703/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Oxfam Hong Kong (Chinese version only) 25 May 2010*
CB(2)2571/08-09(09) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Rehabilitation Alliance Hong Kong (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2604/08-09(02) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Supermarkets & Chain Stores Employees General Union (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(63) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(67) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(64) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from The Forthright Caucus (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2590/08-09(02) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(18) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(04) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions - Rights & Benefits Committee (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2604/08-09(03) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from The Hong Kong General Union of Security & Property Management Industry Employees (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(15) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from The Hong Kong Society for the Blind (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2491/08-09(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from The Law Society of Hong Kong 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(13) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from The Lion Rock Institute (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(08) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from The Parents' Association of Pre-School Handicapped Children (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(69) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)1596/09-10(01) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Community Services Division (Chinese version only) 15 June 2010
17 June 2010
CB(2)2571/08-09(58) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong (English version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)2571/08-09(47) Submission on Minimum Wage Bill from Women Cooperatives (Chinese version only) 7 October 2009
CB(2)237/09-10(01) Submission on the Minimum Wage Bill from Dr Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung (Chinese version only) 9 November 2009*
CB(2)1138/09-10(01) Submission on the Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Kong Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs (Chinese version only) 22 March 2010*
CB(2)264/09-10(01) Submission on the Minimum Wage Bill from the Association for the Advancement of Feminism (Chinese version only) 12 November 2009*
CB(2)1448/09-10(01) Submissions on the minimum wage level and related issues from a group of 97 persons (Chinese version only) 4 May 2010*
CB(2)1642/09-10(04) Submission on the special arrangement for persons with disabilities as provided in the Minimum Wage Bill from Hong Chi Association (Chinese version only) 15 June 2010
17 June 2010
CB(2)1642/09-10(01) Submission on the special arrangement for persons with disabilities as provided in the Minimum Wage Bill from New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (Chinese version only) 15 June 2010
17 June 2010
CB(2)1642/09-10(03) Submission on the special arrangement for persons with disabilities as provided in the Minimum Wage Bill from Rehabilitation Advisory Committee (English version only) 15 June 2010
17 June 2010
CB(2)1642/09-10(02) Submission on the special arrangement for persons with disabilities as provided in the Minimum Wage Bill from The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) 15 June 2010
17 June 2010

* Issue date

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