Bills Committee on Minimum Wage Bill


Draft Committee Stage amendments and comments received

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)1875/09-10(04) Draft Committee Stage amendments proposed by Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lau 22 June 2010
CB(2)1875/09-10(01) Draft Committee Stage amendments proposed by Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che, Hon Cyd HO, Hon LEE Cheuk-yan, Hon LEUNG Kwok-hung and Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung 22 June 2010
CB(2)1875/09-10(03) Draft Committee Stage amendments proposed by Hon Emily LAU 22 June 2010
CB(2)1875/09-10(02) Draft Committee Stage amendments proposed by Hon LEE Cheuk-yan 22 June 2010
CB(2)1886/09-10(01) Draft Committee Stage amendments proposed by Hon Mrs Regina IP (Chinese version only) 22 June 2010
28 June 2010
CB(2)1855/09-10(01) Draft Committee Stage amendments to be proposed by the Administration 19 June 2010
CB(2)1861/09-10(01) Marked-up copy of the Bill prepared on the basis of the draft Committee Stage amendments to be proposed by the Administration 19 June 2010
CB(2)1903/09-10(01) Revised version (Clauses 2A, 10 and 20 only) of the marked-up copy of the Bill prepared on the basis of the draft Committee Stage amendments to be proposed by the Administration 19 June 2010
CB(2)1975/09-10(01) Updated draft Committee Stage amendments to be moved by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare to the Bill 2 July 2010*

* Issue date

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