Bills Committee on Minimum Wage Bill


Other relevant papers

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)2506/08-09(01) Background brief prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat 28 September 2009
CB(2)1188/09-10(01) Letter dated 24 March 2010 from the Provisional Minimum Wage Commission (PMWC) attaching a summary of views of stakeholders on the initial statutory minimum wage rate and the preliminary views of PMWC 31 March 2010
13 April 2010
27 April 2010
CB(2)1383/09-10(02) Letter dated 23 April 2010 from the Provisional Minimum Wage Commission 26 April 2010*
CB(2)1520/09-10(01) Letter dated 11 May 2010 from Provisional Minimum Wage Commission on the methodology to be adopted in arriving at the initial statutory minimum wage rate 27 April 2010
CB(2)2614/08-09(01) Proposed order and areas for study 13 October 2009
CB(2)34/09-10(01) Statement of the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions on the findings of a survey conducted by the Liberal Party on minimum wage (Chinese version only) 13 October 2009*
CB(2)306/09-10(01) Summary of major issues/views raised by organizations/individuals prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat 19 November 2009

* Issue date

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