Report of the Subcommittee to
Study Issues Arising from Lehman Brothers-related Minibonds and Structured Financial Products

June 2012

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Executive Summary

i - xii

Chapter 1Introduction

1 - 21

Chapter 2Lehman Brothers-related Minibonds and structured financial products sold in Hong Kong

22 - 31

Chapter 3Regulation of the conduct of securities business by banks

32 - 49

Chapter 4Regulation of the distribution of Lehman Brothers-related Minibonds and structured financial products by banks

50 - 74

Chapter 5Distribution of Lehman Brothers-related Minibonds and structured financial products by retail banks to their customers

75 - 132

Chapter 6The handling and resolution of Lehman Brothers-related complaints under the existing regulatory regime

133 - 156

Chapter 7Investor protection

157 - 173

Chapter 8Concluding observations and recommendations

174 - 201



Signatures of members of the Subcommittee

203 - 204


207 - 211


Appendix 1(a)Membership list


Appendix 1(b)Eligibility criteria to be met by investors volunteering to assist the Subcommittee

216 - 217

Appendix 1(c)Practice and Procedure of the Subcommittee

218 - 230

Appendix 1(d)Schedule of hearings and attending witnesses

231 - 237

Appendix 2(a)Retail banks which distributed LB structured products


Appendix 2(b)Outstanding LB structured products distributed by banks

239 - 240

Appendix 2(c)Major distributing banks of certain outstanding LB structured products


Appendix 3(a)Division of regulatory responsibilities for AIs' securities business under the Memorandum of Understanding between the HKMA and the SFC

242 - 245

Appendix 4(a)CO Compliance Checklist

246 - 267

Appendix 4(b)Legislative amendments effective from 13 May 2011 relating to the regulation of public offers of structured products

268 - 269

Appendix 4(c)Nine general principles set out in the Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered with the Securities and Futures Commission

270 - 271

Appendix 4(d)Production of thematic examination reports as ordered by the Subcommittee

272 - 274

Appendix 5(a)Major requirements under the enhanced complaint-handling procedures

275 - 277

Appendix 6(a)Agreements made by SFC and MA with banks in respect of LB-related Minibonds and structured financial products

278 - 284

Appendix 6(b)Recovery from the collateral for LB-related Minibonds

285 - 286

Appendix 7(a)Examples of investor education work undertaken by SFC

287 - 288

Appendix 7(b)Some instances of Mr Joseph YAM's general forewarnings

289 - 290

Lists of written evidence/documents

A.Evidence/documents provided by the Administration

294 - 297

B.Evidence/documents provided by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority

298 - 305

C.Evidence/documents provided by the Securities and Futures Commission

306 - 315

D.Evidence/documents provided by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

316 - 317

E.Evidence/documents provided by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

318 - 319

F.Evidence/documents provided by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited


G.Evidence/documents provided by The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.

321 - 322

H.Evidence/documents provided by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

323 - 324

I.Evidence/documents provided by Dah Sing Bank, Limited


J.Evidence/documents provided by other witnesses

326 - 327

Minutes of proceedings

331 - 359

Minutes of evidence of public hearings

Phase I of Stage 2 - Hearings to receive evidence from the Administration and the regulators
1 20 February 2009 Professor CHAN Ka Keung
Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
2 24 February 2009
3 27 February 2009
4 20 March 2009
5 14 April 2009 Mr Joseph YAM Chi-kwong
Monetary Authority
6 17 April 2009
7 28 April 2009
8 8 May 2009
9 15 May 2009
10 22 May 2009
11 26 May 2009 Mr Y K CHOI
Deputy Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority
12 2 June 2009
13 5 June 2009
14 12 June 2009
15 23 June 2009 Mr Martin WHEATLEY
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission
16 26 June 2009
17 3 July 2009
18 7 July 2009
19 17 July 2009 Mr Brian HO
Executive Director
Corporate Finance Division of the Securities and Futures Commission
20 21 July 2009
21 3 August 2009 Mr Martin WHEATLEY
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission
22 10 November 2009 Mr Y K CHOI
Deputy Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority
23 17 November 2009
24 11 December 2009 Mr John C TSANG
Financial Secretary
25 18 December 2009
26 8 January 2010 Mr Martin WHEATLEY
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission
27 19 January 2010* Mr KO Ping Chung Harold
Former employee
Securities and Futures Commission
28 26 January 2010
29 29 January 2010
30 9 February 2010 Mr Martin WHEATLEY
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission
31 26 March 2010
Phase II of Stage 2 - Hearings to receive evidence from the top/senior management of six selected banks
32 16 April 2010 Ms Amy YIP
Chief Executive Officer
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

Ms Linda WONG
Managing Director and Head of Consumer Banking
Hong Kong & Mainland China
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

Ms Janet Hey CHONG
Senior Vice President
Consumer Investment & Insurance Products
Consumer Banking
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
33 20 April 2010
34 23 April 2010
35 30 April 2010
36 7 May 2010 Mr HUNG Pi-cheng, Benjamin
Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

Ms Mary Wai Yi HUEN
Head of Consumer Banking
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
37 11 May 2010
38 14 May 2010
39 25 May 2010 Mr LO Wai-pak, Weber
Chief Executive Officer & Country Business Manager
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited

Ms Fanny LUM
Director of Wealth Management
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
40 28 May 2010
41 1 June 2010
42 4 June 2010 Mr HUNG Pi-cheng, Benjamin
Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

Ms Mary Wai Yi HUEN
Head of Consumer Banking
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
43 29 June 2010 Ms Amy YIP
Chief Executive Officer
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

Ms Linda WONG
Managing Director and Head of Consumer Banking
Hong Kong & Mainland China
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

Ms Janet Hey CHONG
Senior Vice President
Consumer Investment & Insurance Products
Consumer Banking
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
44 6 July 2010 Mr CHU Ren-yee, Alexander
Country Executive, Hong Kong
The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.

Chief Operating Officer (Retail and Commercial Markets, Asia)
The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.
45 9 July 2010
46 13 July 2010* Mr Martin WHEATLEY#
Chief Executive Officer
Securities and Futures Commission
47 13 July 2010 Mr CHU Ren-yee, Alexander
Country Executive, Hong Kong
The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.

Chief Operating Officer (Retail and Commercial Markets, Asia)
The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.
48 21 September 2010
49 28 September 2010* Ms Linda WONG
Managing Director and Head of Consumer Banking
Hong Kong & Mainland China
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
50 28 September 2010* Mr LAM Yim-nam
Deputy Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
51 28 September 2010* Ms Fanny LUM
Director of Wealth Management
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
52 28 September 2010* Mr John C LAM
Alternate Chief Executive and Executive Director
Dah Sing Bank, Limited
53 5 October 2010 Mr HE Guangbei
Vice Chairman and Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

Mr LAM Yim-nam
Deputy Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
54 8 October 2010
55 8 October 2010* Mr LAM Yim-nam
Deputy Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
56 19 October 2010* Mr CHU Ren-yee, Alexander
Country Executive, Hong Kong
The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.
57 19 October 2010* Ms Mary Wai Yi HUEN
Head of Consumer Banking
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
58 19 October 2010* Ms Fanny LUM
Director of Wealth Management
Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
59 19 October 2010 Mr HE Guangbei
Vice Chairman and Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

Mr LAM Yim-nam
Deputy Chief Executive
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
60 23 October 2010 (am)
61 23 October 2010 (pm)
62 2 November 2010 Mr WONG Hon-Hing, Derek
Managing Director and Chief Executive
Dah Sing Bank, Limited

Mr John C LAM
Alternate Chief Executive and Executive Director
Dah Sing Bank, Limited
63 5 November 2010
64 9 November 2010
(The post titles/positions indicated against the names of the above witnesses are those held by the witnesses when they attended the hearings)
Phase III of Stage 2 - Hearings to receive evidence from the frontline staff of the six banks
65 to 90 From December 2010
to January 2011*
26 frontline staff from the six banks
Phase IV of Stage 2 - Hearings to receive evidence from certain investors who had purchased LB structured products through the six banks
91 25 February 2011 Ms IP Chun
92 25 February 2011 Mr NG Joong-yee
93 25 February 2011 Ms HO Lai-yuet
94 18 March 2011 Ms TAM Sui-lin
95 18 March 2011 Ms KO Yuk-ha
96 22 March 2011 Ms CHUNG Kit-chu
97 22 March 2011 Mr KAN Bing-kwong
98 25 March 2011 Mr TSE Chin-to
99 25 March 2011 Ms FUNG Kit-mui
100 12 April 2011 Ms FUNG King-cheung, Vency
101 12 April 2011 Ms CHAN King-hing
102 12 April 2011 Mr YIP Kai-chiu
103 19 April 2011 Ms LI Yuk-mui
104 19 April 2011 Ms LAW Siu-luen
105 19 April 2011 Mr KWOK Ming-sum
106 31 May 2011 Mr YEE Heung-ming

     * denotes closed hearings

# The evidence received from the witness was in connection with Phase I

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