Subcommittee on Technical Memorandum for
Allocation of Emission Allowances in Respect of Specified Licences

First meeting on
Tuesday, 25 November 2008, at 8:30 am
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building


I.Election of Chairman
(8:30 am - 8:35 am)

II.Meeting with the Administration
(8:35 am - 10:25 am)

Background information on the Technical Memorandum

Technical Memorandum for Allocation of Emission Allowances in Respect of Specified Licences (S.S. No. 5 to Gazette No. 45/2008 gazetted on 7 November 2008

The Legislative Council Brief (Ref: EP CR 9/150/21)
(issued by the Environmental Protection Department in November 2008)

LC Paper No. LS14/08-09
(issued on 11 November 2008)

-Legal Service Division Report

LC Paper No. CB(1) 263/08-09(01)

-Background brief on Technical Memorandum for Allocation of Emission Allowances in Respect of Specified Licences

III.Any other business
(10:25 am - 10:30 am)

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
24 November 2008

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