Subcommittee on Proposed Resolutions under Section 29 of the Public Finance Ordinance (Cap. 2) and Section 3 of the Loans Ordinance (Cap. 61)


Other relevant papers

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)1813/08-09(03) Administration's response to the follow-up questions and issues raised 8 June 2009
CB(1)1999/08-09(01) Examples of the funds established under section 29 of the Public Finance Ordinance (Cap. 2) (follow up paper) 18 June 2009
CB(1)1662/08-09(01) List of follow-up actions raising from the first meeting on 14 May 2009 prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat 25 May 2009
CB(1)1813/08-09(01) List of follow-up actions raising from the second meeting on 25 May 2009 prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat 8 June 2009