| Paragraph
| Page
Part 1 | Introduction
| The Establishment of the Committee
| 1
| 1
| Membership of the Committee
| 2
| 1
Part 2 | Procedure
| The Committee's Procedure
| 1
| 2
| Confidentiality undertaking by members of the Committee
| 2 - 3
| 3
| The Committee's Report
| 4 - 5
| 3
| The Government's Response
| 6
| 3
Part 3 | Report of the Public Accounts Committee on Report No. 48 of the Director of Audit on the Results of Value for Money Audits and Supplemental Report of the Public Accounts Committee on Report No. 47 of the Director of Audit on the Results of Value for Money Audits [P.A.C. Report No. 48]
| Laying of the Report
| 1
| 4
| The Government Minute
| 2 - 7
| 4 - 9
Part 4 | Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Reports of the Director of Audit on the Accounts of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the year ended 31 March 2007 and the Results of Value for Money Audits (Report No. 49)
[P.A.C. Report No. 49]
| Laying of the Report
| 1
| 10
| The Government Minute
| 2 - 46
| 10 - 26
Part 5 | Supplemental Report of the Public Accounts Committee on Report No. 49 of the Director of Audit on the Results of Value for Money Audits
[P.A.C. Report No. 49A]
| Laying of the Report
| 1
| 27
| The Government Minute
| 2 - 4
| 27 - 29
Part 6 | Committee Proceedings
| Consideration of the Director of Audit's Report
| 1
| 30
| Meetings
| 2
| 30
| Arrangement of the Report
| 3 - 4
| 30
| Acknowledgements
| 5
| 30
Part 7 | Observations of the Public Accounts Committee on the Report of the Director of Audit on the Accounts of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the year ended 31 March 2008
| 1
| 31
Part 8 | Chapter
| 1. | Administration of the DesignSmart Initiative
| | A. | Introduction
| 1
| 32
| | B. | Corporate governance and administration of the Hong Kong Design Centre
| 2 - 25
| 32 - 39
| | C. | Management of projects funded by the Design Support Programme
| 26 - 48
| 40 - 48
| | D. | Promotion of design by the Hong Kong Design Centre
| 49 - 55
| 49 - 51
| | E. | Administration of the Design Incubation Programme
| 56 - 61
| 51 - 53
| | F. | Overseas practices in the promotion of design
| 62 - 65
| 53 - 54
| | G. | Conclusions and recommendations
| 66
| 54 - 63
| 2. | Emergency ambulance service
| 1 - 2
| 64
| 3. | Management of public markets
| | A. | Introduction
| 1 - 2
| 65 - 66
| | B. | Usage of public markets
| 3 - 27
| 66 - 76
| | C. | Market stall rentals and charges
| 28 - 38
| 76 - 79
| | D. | Problem of stall subletting
| 39 - 50
| 80 - 85
| | E. | Management of a public market in Kowloon
| 51 - 58
| 86 - 89
| | F. | Planning of new public markets
| 59 - 67
| 90 - 94
| | G. | Conclusions and recommendations
| 68
| 94 - 102
| 4. | Reduction and recovery of municipal solid waste
| | A. | Introduction
| 1 - 2
| 103
| | B. | Strategic management of municipal solid waste
| 3 - 13
| 105 - 109
| | C. | Progress of municipal solid waste recovery
| 14 - 27
| 109 - 116
| | D. | Implementation of domestic waste recovery programmes
| 28 - 34
| 116 - 118
| | E. | Implementation of non domestic waste recovery programmes
| 35 - 41
| 118 - 121
| | F. | Conclusions and recommendations
| 42
| 121 - 126
| 127
| 128
Appendix relating to Part 1: "Introduction"
APPENDIX 1 | Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
| 129 - 130
Appendix relating to Part 2: "Procedure"
APPENDIX 2 | Paper presented to the Provisional Legislative Council by the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee at the meeting on 11 February 1998 on Scope of Government Audit in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - 'Value for Money Audits'
| 131 - 133
Appendices relating to Part 3: "Report of the Public Accounts Committee on Report No. 48 of the Director of Audit on the Results of Value for Money Audits and Supplemental Report of the Public Accounts Committee on Report No. 47 of the Director of Audit on the Results of Value for Money Audits
[P.A.C. Report No. 48]"
APPENDIX 3 | Progress update and indicative timetable for relocation of the Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market provided by the Food and Health Bureau in January 2008
| 134 - 135
APPENDIX 4 | Letter of 7 January 2009 from the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
| 136 - 137
APPENDIX 5 | Letter of 29 January 2009 from the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
| 138 - 142
Appendices relating to Part 4: "Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Reports of the Director of Audit on the Accounts of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the year ended 31 March 2007 and the Results of Value for Money Audits (Report No. 49)
[P.A.C. Report No. 49]"
APPENDIX 6 | Letter of 23 January 2009 from the Secretary for Security
| 143 - 144
APPENDIX 7 | Letter of 29 January 2009 from the Secretary for Development
| 145 - 146
APPENDIX 8 | Letter of 22 January 2009 from the Director of Lands
| 147 - 148
APPENDIX 9 | Letter of 30 January 2009 from the Secretary for Education
| 149 - 150
APPENDIX 10 | Action plan of the English Schools Foundation as at September 2008
| 151 - 152
Appendices relating to Part 5: "Supplemental Report of the Public Accounts Committee on Report No. 49 of the Director of Audit on the Results of Value for Money Audits
[P.A.C. Report No. 49A]"
APPENDIX 11 | Further progress made by the Hong Kong Tourism Board on matters outstanding in the Government Minute laid before the Legislative Council in July 2008
| 153 - 157
APPENDIX 12 | Further developments and progress made by the Administration as reported in the Government Minute laid before the Legislative Council in July 2008
| 158 - 160
APPENDIX 13 | Letter of 17 July 2008 from the Chief Secretary for Administration
| 161 - 167
APPENDIX 14 | General Circular No. 8/2008 on "Governance of Government-owned or Funded Statutory Bodies"
| 168 - 176
Appendices relating to Part 6: "Committee Proceedings"
APPENDIX 15 | Witnesses who appeared before the Committee
| 177 - 178
APPENDIX 16 | Introductory remarks by the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, Dr Hon Philip WONG Yu-hong, GBS, at the first public hearing of the Committee on Tuesday, 9 December 2008
| 179 - 180
Appendices relating to Chapter 1 of Part 8: "Administration of the DesignSmart Initiative"
APPENDIX 17 | Letter of 9 January 2009 from the Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Design Centre
| 181 - 184
APPENDIX 18 | Letter of 30 December 2008 from the Secretary for Home Affairs
| 185
APPENDIX 19 | Letter of 7 January 2009 from the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology
| 186 - 188
APPENDIX 20 | Letter of 22 January 2009 from the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology
| 189 - 190
APPENDIX 21 | Letter of 2 January 2009 from the Director of Audit
| 191 - 192
Appendices relating to Chapter 3 of Part 8: "Management of public markets"
APPENDIX 22 | Opening statement made by the Secretary for Food and Health at the public hearing on 9 December 2008
| 193 - 194
APPENDIX 23 | Letter of 11 December 2008 from the Secretary for Food and Health
| 195 - 201
APPENDIX 24 | Letter of 15 December 2008 from the Secretary for Food and Health
| 202 - 214
APPENDIX 25 | Letter of 12 January 2009 from the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
| 215 - 217
APPENDIX 26 | Letter of 24 December 2008 from the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
| 218 - 220
APPENDIX 27 | Letter of 16 December 2008 from the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
| 221 - 243
Appendices relating to Chapter 4 of Part 8: "Reduction and recovery of municipal solid waste"
APPENDIX 28 | Opening statement made by the Secretary for the Environment at the public hearing on 16 December 2008
| 244 - 250
APPENDIX 29 | Letter of 7 January 2009 from the Secretary for the Environment
| 251 - 252
APPENDIX 30 | Letter of 6 January 2009 from the Assistant Director (Environmental Infrastructure), Environmental Protection Department
| 253 - 255
APPENDIX 31 | Letter of 31 December 2008 from the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene
| 256 - 257
| 258 - 261