B. Documents provided by the Development Bureau

DocumentsSelect Committee reference no.
1.Information provided by the Development Bureau in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter dated 18 December 2008 D4
2.Chronology of key events on the approval of the Grand Promenade development D5
3.Tender Notice, General and Special Conditions applicable to the Grand Promenade development D6
4.Extract from the Report No. 45 of the Public Accounts Committee D7
5.Practice Note for Authorized Persons and Registered Structural Engineers No. 13 - Calculation of Gross Floor Area and Non-accountable Gross Floor Area issued in March 2000 D8
6.Section 1 of Practice Note No. 2 on Exemptions and Modifications issued in September 2000 D9
7.Practice Note for Authorized Persons and Registered Structural Engineers No. 233 on Dedication of Land for Use as Public Passage issued in November 1999 D10
8.Section 4 of Practice Note No. 23 on Discretionary Approval - Factors for Consideration issued in September 2000 D11
9.Joint Practice Note No. 1 on Green and Innovative Buildings issued in February 2001 D12
10.Joint Practice Note No. 2 on Second Package of Incentives to Promote Green and Innovative Buildings issued in February 2002 D13
11.Paper on "Building Innovation Unit" D14
12.Joint Practice Note No. 1 on Green and Innovative Buildings issued in October 2004 D15
13.Joint Practice Note No. 2 on Second Package of Incentives to Promote Green and Innovative Buildings issued in February 2006 D16
14.Background brief on policy of charging premium on provision of GFA concessions D17
15.Practice Note No. 3/2001 on Premium Assessment for Exemption of Balconies from GFA and SC Calculation under Joint Practice Note No. 1 issued on 26 April 2001 D18
16.Practice Note No. 3/2001A on Premium Assessment for Exemption of Balconies from GFA and SC Calculation under Joint Practice Note No. 1 issued on 23 May 2003 D19
17.Practice Note No. 6/2002 on Premium Assessment for Exemption of Balconies from GFA and SC Calculation under Joint Practice Note No. 1 (Supplementary to Practice Note No. 3/2001) issued on 20 July 2001 D20
18.Practice Note No. 6/2002 on Premium Assessment for Exemption of Non-structural Prefabricated External Walls and Utility Platforms from GFA and SC calculation under Joint Practice Note No. 2 issued on 3 June 2002 D21
19.Practice Note No. 3/2003 on Premium Assessment for Exemption of Non-structural Prefabricated External Walls (NSPE Wall) from GFA and SC Calculations for Residential Developments under Joint Practice Note No. 2 issued on 23 June 2003 D22
20.The Administration's reply to a written question raised by Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung at the Council meeting on 9 April 2008 on "Residential projects with green features" D23
21.List of the Legislative Council Panel papers relating to building control policies in which Mr LEUNG Chin-man was involved as Director of Buildings D24
22.Major duties and responsibilities of the Director of Buildings during the period from 1999 to 2002 D25
23.Organization charts of the relevant Bureaux and Departments when Mr LEUNG Chin-man was in the position of Director of Buildings and in the capacity of the Building Authority D26
24.Paper on "Green buildings - a proposal to enhance our quality of living" D27
25.List of the Legislative Council Panel Papers relating to building control policies in which Mr LEUNG Chin-man was involved as the then Director of Buildings D29
26.Information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 6 February 2009 D30
27.Press statement issued by the Buildings Department on 10 June 2002 D31
28.Further information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 16 February 2009 D32
29.Further information provided by the Administration in response to the Clerk to Select Committee's letter of 13 March 2009 D33
30.Correspondence between the Lands Department and other relevant Departments relating to the drawing up of the Special Conditions applicable to the Grand Promenade site D1(C)*
31.Correspondence between the Buildings Department and other relevant Departments relating to the granting of exemption areas to the Grand Promenade development D2(C)*
32.Letter from the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands to Clerk to Public Accounts Committee on legal advice concerning the Grand Promenade development D3(C)*
33.Documents/records relating to the enquiries of the lease conditions by real estate organizations before the close of tender of the Grand Promenade site D4(C)*
34.Building projects in respect of which Mr LEUNG Chin-man was personally involved as the then Building Authority at the Building Authority Conference in making certain decisions leading to approval of plans under the Buildings Ordinance D5(C)*
35.File minute dated 30 July 2001 from the Assistant Director/New Buildings 1 to the Director of Buildings, with the Director of Buildings' response in manuscript dated 30 July 2001 D6(C)*
36.File Note dated 3 August 2001 prepared by the Chief Building Surveyor/Hong Kong East D7(C)*
37.Letter dated 22 September 2001 from the Authorized Person to the Buildings Department, with the Director of Buildings' instruction in manuscript dated 25 September 2001 D8(C)*
38.Letter dated 26 September 2001 from the Authorized Person to the Buildings Department, with the Director of Buildings' instruction in manuscript dated 26 September 2001 D9(C)*
39.Email dated 10 June 2002 (at 8:26 pm) from the Deputy Director of Buildings and copied to the Director of Buildings and others D10(C)*
40.Email dated 10 June 2002 (at 8:38 pm) from the Deputy Director of Buildings and copied to the Director of Buildings and others D11(C)*
41.File Note dated 19 October 2001 prepared by the Chief Building Surveyor/Hong Kong East D12(C)*
42.Building Committee I 1 39/2001 dated 23 October 2001 D13(C)*
43.Background information for the Building Authority Conference on 24 October 2001 D14(C)*
44.Minutes of the Building Authority Conference on 24 October 2001 D15(C)*
45.Case summary of the building project at 9-12 Chun Fai Terrace (August 1999 - present) D16(C)*
46.Names of the developers for the 25 projects listed in SC(2) Paper No. D5(C) D17(C)*
47.Attendance list of the Building Committee I meeting held on 23 October 2001 D18(C)*
48.Details of the developments at No. 19 and 25 Tai Hang Drive D19(C)*
49.Case summary of the building project at Tai Hang Road, Hong Kong (I.L. 8972) from August 1999 to March 2009 D20(C)*
50.Papers for the Building Authority Conference 8/01 (17 October 2001) (Tai Hang Road I.L.8972, Hong Kong) D21(C)*
51.Notes of the Building Conference I 1 38/2001 dated 16 October 2001 D22(C)*
52.Minutes of the Building Authority Conference 7/01 meeting held on 17 October 2001 D23(C)*
53.An account of the decision made by Mr LEUNG Chin-man in his capacity as the Building Authority on the building project at 1-4 West End Terrace and 11-11A Bonham Road, Hong Kong D24(C)*
54.Notes of the Building Conference I 3 4/2000 dated 1 February 2000 D25(C)*
55.Minutes of the Building Authority Conference 1/00 meeting held on 10 February 2000 D26(C)*
56.Papers for the Building Authority Conference 1/00 (10 February 2000) (1-4 West End Terrace and 11-11A Bonham Road, Hong Kong) D27(C)*
57.Notes of Matters Arising I 1 16/2000 dated 25 April 2000 D28(C)*
58.Minutes of the Building Authority Conference 2/00 meeting held on 29 April 2000 D29(C)*
59.Papers for the Building Authority Conference 2/00 (29 April 2000) (1-4 West End Terrace and 11-11A Bonham Road, Hong Kong) D30(C)*
60.Notes of Matters Arising I 1 31/2000 dated 15 August 2000 D31(C)*
61.Minutes of the Building Authority Conference 6/00 meeting held on 21 August 2000 D32(C)*
62.Papers for the Building Authority Conference 6/00 (21 August 2000) (1-4 West End Terrace and 11-11A Bonham Road, Hong Kong) D33(C)*
63.Notes of Matters Arising I 1 4/2001 dated 23 January 2001 D34(C)*
64.Minutes of the Building Authority Conference 1/01 meeting held on 2 March 2001 D35(C)*
65.Papers for the Building Authority Conference 1/01 (2 March 2001) (1-4 West End Terrace and 11-11A Bonham Road, Hong Kong) D36(C)*
66.Paper provided by the Administration concerning information that has been obliterated (as at 2 February 2009) D28*

* Documents not available for public inspection