Bills Committee on Buildings Energy Efficiency Bill


Submissions and the Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)2930/09-10(01) Administration's letter dated 24 September 2010 to The Law Society of Hong Kong (English version only) 30 September 2010
  • The Law Society of Hong Kong's letter in response to letter from Administration as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)2930/09-10(01) (English version only)
    30 September 2010
    CB(1)1120/09-10(01) Joint submission from Friends of the Earth (HK), Greeners Action, Green Sense, Greenpeace and WWF Hong Kong (Chinese version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1064/09-10(04) Joint submission from WWF Hong Kong and Professional Green Building Council (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)447/10-11(01) Letter from Lands Department to The Law Society of Hong Kong confirming that Lands Department, acting in its capacity as landlord, will not exercise its re-entry right under the Land Grant for any non-compliance with the new legislation (Follow-up paper) (English version only) 15 November 2010
    CB(1)2609/09-10(01) Letter from Law Society of Hong Kong (English version only) 22 July 2010
    20 September 2010
  • Administration's response to the letter from The Law Society of Hong Kong as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)2609/09-10(01) (English version only)
    22 July 2010
    20 September 2010
    CB(1)203/10-11(03) Letter from The Law Society of Hong Kong (English version only) 27 October 2010
    CB(1)432/10-11(01) Letters from The Law Society of Hong Kong (English version only) 15 November 2010
  • Administration's response to the letters from The Law Society of Hong Kong as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)432/10-11(01)
    15 November 2010
    CB(1)1064/09-10(10) Submission from Advisory Council on the Environment 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1138/09-10(06) Submission from Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings (Chinese version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1064/09-10(07) Submission from BEAM Society (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1120/09-10(02) Submission from Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executives Society (Chinese version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1064/09-10(05) Submission from Civic Party (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1064/09-10(11) Submission from CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1064/09-10(13) Submission from Construction Industry Council (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1064/09-10(09) Submission from Energy Efficiency and Conservation Subcommittee of the Energy Advisory Committee 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1138/09-10(05) Submission from Energy Institute (Hong Kong Branch) (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1138/09-10(07) Submission from Estates Offices/Facilities Management Offices of Universities (Chinese version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1138/09-10(03) Submission from Federation of Hong Kong Industries (Chinese version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)537/10-11(01) Submission from Federation of Hong Kong Industries (Chinese version only) 23 November 2010*
    CB(1)1064/09-10(02) Submission from Friends of the Earth (HK) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1064/09-10(14) Submission from Green Council (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1064/09-10(03) Submission from Greenpeace China (Chinese version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1138/09-10(04) Submission from Hong Kong Association of Energy Engineers (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1064/09-10(06) Submission from Hong Kong Electrical Contractors' Association Ltd (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1064/09-10(12) Submission from Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1064/09-10(01) Submission from Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Hong Kong Branch (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1138/09-10(02) Submission from Professor Stephen LAU, The University of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1325/09-10(01) Submission from The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (Hong Kong Branch) (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1138/09-10(08) Submission from The Hong Kong Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Association Ltd (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1565/09-10(01) Submission from The Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors Ltd (English version only) 8 April 2010*
    CB(1)1064/09-10(08) Submission from The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1138/09-10(01) Submission from The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong (English version only) 9 February 2010
    CB(1)1799/09-10(03) Submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong (English version only) 5 May 2010
    27 May 2010
  • Administration's response to the submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)1799/09-10(03)
    27 May 2010
    CB(1)1138/09-10(09) Submission from The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong (English version only) 9 February 2010

    * Issue date

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