LC Paper No. | Paper | Meeting date |
CB(1)2168/09-10(01) |
Administration's further paper on enforcement against registered professionals and contractors |
8 June 2010 |
CB(1)1624/09-10(01) |
Administration's paper on enforcement against registered professionals and contractors |
19 April 2010 6 May 2010 27 May 2010 8 June 2010 |
CB(1)2339/09-10(01) |
Administration's paper on response to issues raised at meetings on 27 May and 8 June 2010 |
29 June 2010 |
CB(1)1983/09-10(01) |
Administration's paper on response to issues raised at previous meetings |
27 May 2010 8 June 2010 |
CB(1)1787/09-10(01) |
Administration's paper on selection of target buildings and assistance to owners in need in mandatory building and window inspection schemes |
6 May 2010 |
CB(1)1983/09-10(02) |
Administration's paper on subsidiary legislation and practice notes |
27 May 2010 8 June 2010 |
CB(1)1500/09-10(02) |
Administration's paper on support to building owners and owners' corporations to facilitate building management |
31 March 2010 |
CB(1)1787/09-10(02) |
Administration's paper on work and training of community organizers assisting in the promotion of building management |
6 May 2010 |
CB(1)2373/10-11(01) |
Administration's proposed major Committee Stage Amendments |
7 June 2011 |
CB(1)1451/10-11(01) |
The Administration's response dated 28 February 2011 to the letter from Hon KAM Nai-wai |
1 March 2011 16 March 2011 28 March 2011 |
CB(1)1878/10-11(01) |
Administration's response dated 11 April 2011 to the submission on the Buildings (Amendment) Bill 2010 from a member of the public |
20 April 2011 |
CB(1)2349/10-11(01) |
Administration's response dated 30 May 2011 to the letters dated 20 April 2011 from Hon KAM Nai-wai |
7 June 2011 |
CB(1)2349/10-11(02) |
Administration's response dated 30 May 2011 to the letters dated 20 April 2011 from Hon KAM Nai-wai |
7 June 2011 |
CB(1)367/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 25 October 2010 |
9 November 2010 |
CB(1)666/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 9 November 2010 |
7 December 2010 |
CB(1)857/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 7 December 2010 |
23 December 2010 |
CB(1)993/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 23 December 2010 |
7 January 2011 |
CB(1)1266/10-11(02) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 23 December 2010, and 7 and 24 January 2011 |
11 February 2011 |
CB(1)1123/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 7 January 2011 |
24 January 2011 |
CB(1)1584/10-11(02) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 1 March 2011 |
16 March 2011 28 March 2011 |
CB(1)2177/10-11(02) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 20 April 2011 |
20 May 2011 |
CB(1)126/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the meetings on 29 June and 13 July 2010 |
25 October 2010 |
CB(1)1423/10-11(04) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the meetings on 23 December 2010 and 11 February 2011 |
1 March 2011 16 March 2011 28 March 2011 |
CB(1)1706/10-11(04) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the meetings on 11 February and 16 March 2011 |
28 March 2011 20 April 2011 |
CB(1)1896/10-11(02) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the meetings on 11 February, 16 and 28 March 2011 |
20 April 2011 20 May 2011 7 June 2011 |
CB(1)1390/09-10(07) |
Hon CHEUNG Hok-ming's questions on the Bill (Chinese version only) |
20 March 2010 31 March 2010 19 April 2010 |
CB(1)1500/09-10(03) |
31 March 2010 19 April 2010 |
CB(1)2020/10-11(01) |
Letter from Hon KAM Nai-wai dated 20 April 2011 on the Administration's response to members' questions on the Buildings (Amendment) Bill 2010 (Chinese version only) |
20 May 2011 7 June 2011 |
CB(1)2020/10-11(02) |
Letter from Hon KAM Nai-wai dated 20 April 2011 on the Buildings (Amendment) Bill 2010 (Chinese version only) |
20 May 2011 7 June 2011 |
CB(1)1401/10-11(01) |
Letter from Hon KAM Nai-wai dated 21 February 2011 (Chinese version only) |
1 March 2011 16 March 2011 28 March 2011 |
CB(1)2350/10-11(01) |
Letter from Hon KAM Nai-wai dated 30 May 2011 on the proposed major Committee Stage Amendments to the Bill (Chinese version only) |
7 June 2011 |
CB(1)1390/09-10(08) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 19 February 2010 |
20 March 2010 31 March 2010 19 April 2010 6 May 2010 27 May 2010 8 June 2010 |
CB(1)1417/09-10(02) |
20 March 2010 31 March 2010 19 April 2010 6 May 2010 27 May 2010 8 June 2010 |
CB(1)1500/09-10(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 20 March 2010 |
31 March 2010 19 April 2010 6 May 2010 27 May 2010 8 June 2010 |
CB(1)1609/09-10(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 31 March 2010 |
19 April 2010 6 May 2010 27 May 2010 8 June 2010 |
CB(1)1782/09-10(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 19 April 2010 |
6 May 2010 27 May 2010 8 June 2010 |
CB(1)1935/09-10(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 6 May 2010 |
27 May 2010 8 June 2010 29 June 2010 13 July 2010 25 October 2010 9 November 2010 7 December 2010 23 December 2010 7 January 2011 24 January 2011 11 February 2011 1 March 2011 28 March 2011 20 April 2011 20 May 2011 7 June 2011 |
CB(1)2114/09-10(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 27 May 2010 |
8 June 2010 29 June 2010 |
CB(1)2313/09-10(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 8 June 2010 |
29 June 2010 |
CB(1)2460/09-10(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 29 June 2010 |
13 July 2010 25 October 2010 |
CB(1)2618/09-10(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 13 July 2010 |
25 October 2010 |
CB(1)367/10-11(02) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 25 October 2010 |
9 November 2010 |
CB(1)666/10-11(02) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 9 November 2010 |
7 December 2010 |
CB(1)857/10-11(02) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 7 December 2010 |
23 December 2010 |
CB(1)993/10-11(02) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 23 December 2010 |
7 January 2011 24 January 2011 11 February 2011 |
CB(1)1123/10-11(02) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 7 January 2011 |
24 January 2011 |
CB(1)1423/10-11(03) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 11 February 2011 |
1 March 2011 16 March 2011 28 March 2011 20 April 2011 7 June 2011 |
CB(1)1584/10-11(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 1 March 2011 |
16 March 2011 28 March 2011 |
CB(1)1706/10-11(03) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 16 March 2011 |
28 March 2011 20 April 2011 20 May 2011 |
CB(1)1896/10-11(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 28 March 2011 |
20 April 2011 |
CB(1)2177/10-11(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 20 April 2011 |
20 May 2011 |
CB(1)1423/10-11(02) |
Updated Administration's response to issues raised at the meetings on 23 December 2010, 7 and 24 January 2011 |
1 March 2011 16 March 2011 |
CB(1)2230/10-11(01) |
Updated Administration's response to issues raised at the meetings on 16 March 2011 |
20 May 2011 7 June 2011 |