Bills Committee on Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2010


Proposed Committee Stage amendments and comments received

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)534/10-11(01) Committee Stage amendments provided by the Administration 11 November 2010
CB(1)2941/09-10(01) Draft Committee Stage amendments proposed by the Administration 5 October 2010
CB(1)399/10-11(05) Draft Committee Stage amendments proposed by the Administration 11 November 2010
CB(1)399/10-11(04) Marked-up copy of the Bill provided by the Administration 11 November 2010
LS11/10-11 Note from the legal adviser to the Bills Committee on the discussion with the law draftsman on the Chinese text of the proposed section 69A(3A) and (3C) in clause 18 of the Bill 11 November 2010

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