Bills Committee on Communications Authority Bill


Members' concerns raised at the meeting and the Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)2380/10-11(02) Administration's response (including its comments to the Committee Stage amendments (CSAs) proposed by Dr Hon Margaret NG and response to the issues raised at the meeting on 12 April 2011 and other issues) and Committee Stage amendments proposed by the Administration 12 April 2011
CB(1)2923/09-10(08) Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 22 July 2010 7 October 2010
4 November 2010
CB(1)572/10-11(02) Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 4 November 2010 26 November 2010
CB(1)670/10-11(02) Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 26 November 2010 7 December 2010
11 January 2011
CB(1)1026/10-11(02) Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 7 December 2010 11 January 2011
27 January 2011
CB(1)1158/10-11(02) Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 11 January 2011 27 January 2011
CB(1)1301/10-11(02) Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 27 January 2011 17 February 2011
CB(1)1491/10-11(02) Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 17 February 2011 8 March 2011
CB(1)1725/10-11(03) Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 8 March 2011 31 March 2011
12 April 2011
CB(1)1857/10-11(02) Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 31 March 2011 and proposed Committee Stage amendments 12 April 2011
CB(1)2380/10-11(01) Committee Stage amendments to the Long Title and Clause 4 of the Bill proposed by Dr Hon Margaret NG 12 April 2011
CB(1)2923/09-10(07) List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 22 July 2010 7 October 2010
4 November 2010
CB(1)572/10-11(01) List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 4 November 2010 26 November 2010
CB(1)670/10-11(01) List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 26 November 2010 7 December 2010
11 January 2011
CB(1)1026/10-11(01) List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 7 December 2010 11 January 2011
27 January 2011
CB(1)1158/10-11(01) List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 11 January 2011 27 January 2011
CB(1)1301/10-11(01) List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 27 January 2011 17 February 2011
CB(1)1491/10-11(01) List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 17 February 2011 8 March 2011
CB(1)1725/10-11(02) List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 8 March 2011 31 March 2011
12 April 2011
CB(1)1857/10-11(01) List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 31 March 2011 12 April 2011
CB(1)1725/10-11(04) Summary table on "Issues requiring follow-up action/consideration by the Administration (position as at 30 March 2011)" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat 31 March 2011
CB(1)1857/10-11(03) Summary table on "Issues requiring follow-up action/consideration by the Administration (position as at 11 April 2011)" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat 12 April 2011
CB(1)2523/10-11(01) Summary table on "Issues requiring follow-up action/consideration by the Administration (position as at 20 June 2011)" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat 20 June 2011*

* Issue date

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